chapter twelve: I

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Key || Side Notes || Information
-Bold- = Author Notes
-Italics- = Character's Thoughts (only used once in awhile)
|| This Story will be told in first person point of view, occasionally switching povs every now and then. Warnings will be shown to help readers that are sensitive to gore and violence. Mature language used||

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Luke walked slowly out the door without any goodbyes, nothing. I couldn't do anything. I couldn't come after him. I felt useless, worthless even. I'm a bad person for doing that to him. I deserve this.

I can't shake off this feeling and for some reason, my heart aches. I need to see him again. I need to talk to him. I need to apologize- I just need him to understand just this once.

I put my quarantine suit back on, rushing to open the door with the keys that I got from Luke and ran out the door, chasing after him. I ran around hallways, checking every corner and room out there. To no avail, he was not there.

I got yelled at and almost forcibly sent back to my bubble, but I didn't care. I miss him. I want to apologize. I want him. What do the five year olds call this again?



I love him.

I rushed down this one empty hallway that I haven't checked. Doors were on either side and at the end was another corridor. I ran down, only to be stopped by Anthony.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Anthony asked, raising his eyebrow.

I looked at him and smiled a little bit. Anthony.. I hope he is fine.

"What happened yesterday?" I asked him, tilting my head to the side.

Anthony's face drained as he went back to the same expression from yesterday. Was it that bad?

"Look, you don't need to tell me. Do you just want to hang out for a few seconds?" I questioned rather timidly.

Anthony's color came back and he beamed me one of his most famous smiles. I couldn't help, but smile too him as well. He made me forget about Luke. Well, I'll remind myself about him. I couldn't see him anyway, so it's better if I look another time.

Anthony offered his hand for me to hold and I slowly held it. It was strange now knowing my feelings for him and doing this. He's probably only helping me, because I'm special and need help. I push that thought away and let him lead me to wherever he went.

I'm going to ask him what happened.

I'm determined too anyway.

Unknown Point Of View—

I grab the kettle of tea from the stove and gently pour it in my mug. The tea was so hot, i could feel the steam picking and touching my face. I breathed in that minty smell and took a little sip of my tea, careful not to burn my tongue.

Suddenly, the door swung open with a creak noise, I turned to look at it, but nobody was there. Huh, strange. I turned back to the TV hung up at the corner of the room. It was displaying the news and most of it was just about politics. Sad how the world can never know such more interesting stuff than that.

I placed my mug on the counter and leaned on it, still watching the TV.

All of a sudden, a knife was thrown at me.

Instead of dodging it, I caught it with one hand.

Tch, Amateur knife thrower at best.

My lips formed into a smirk as I put the knife into the knife wooden block. I casually smile at the person who obviously threw the knife.

"Hello to you too," I teased, smiling a little bit.

I grabbed the mug from the counter and took a sip of it again. The person was wearing a black hoodie that covered it's face along with a surgeon mask. It was dressed in all black actually. Does it really think it's some kind of hit man?

"Cut the shit, you know what I want," It said bluntly.

I smiled and looked at it dead in the eyes. I took another sip of my tea before proceeding.

"We're after the same thing, no?"

quarantine || yandere x reader ||Where stories live. Discover now