chapter seven: fell

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I'm gonna be straight up honest with you- the reason why I'm updating this one story like a machine gun is because I want to squeeze in my ideas for books after this book. I plan on getting this book finished by updating every single day. it's been awhile but I'll try my best.
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Key || Side Notes || Information
-Bold- = Author Notes
-Italics- = Character's Thoughts (only used once in awhile)
|| This Story will be told in first person point of view, occasionally switching povs every now and then. Warnings will be shown to help readers that are sensitive to gore and violence. Mature language used||

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We just sat there, on the ground, in each other's arms. Our clothes were a mess, mainly because it was stained with tears and snot. Luke's hair was messed up and so was mine, but we didn't care. We just enjoyed the silence and the warmth of each other. Just, i was bothered by his sudden tears. His sudden change to his persona- his reason to trust me with this sensitive side he hides from others. Before I can even think anymore, I accidentally let the words slip out of my mouth.

"Why?" I asked, starting to regret ever  saying that one word.

Regret. One of the worst emotions out there.

He didn't speak at all for a few seconds. His breathing falling heavy once again. I could feel his stomach against my body, breathing in and breathing out.

He seemed so out of it as if he didn't even hear my question.

Before I can take my words back, he cut me off.

"My family," Luke mumbled, looking down at the ground.

I wanted to comfort him even more and shut him up. I don't want him to say anything if he feels forced to. He opened his mouth, and told me everything.

"My family. They were rich asshats that only thought of themselves. We had mansions and diamonds every room of the house. At the time, I didn't care at all. I fucked with so many girls," Luke chuckled.

I laughed a little, but I couldn't help but feel a little jealous. The cold, quiet guy before me used to be a manwhore. He simply didn't seem like that type though.

"I didn't give a shit about anything. Believe it or not, I loved showing my emotions, but I would always protect my heart. In my family, I was treated like I was invisible. At school however, I was treated like a prince. When the outbreak happened, I was at my house."

//Luke's POV Flashback//

The maids bowed and left the dining room. I sighed and flipped through Instagram, swiping through all the girls in my feed. It's sad how so many girls fall for the same guy and practically kill people for me in the name of love. Love isn't worth killing for , because in the end, they'll break your heart into two.

The wide black dinner table was long. It was made to fit more than ten people, but it was just me sitting at it. There was a big glass window with huge red curtains made of silk. The view was of a forest. Our house has to be secret, because of fans. It was guarded by a large gate with people at the front with guns and other weapons. Nobody dares to enter our mansion.

All of a sudden, my mom and sister ran up to me and grabbed my arm.

"What?" I asked rather rudely.

They glared at me and shoved me in a limo. My dad, my mom, and my sister got in the car and yelled at the driver to drive.

"Where are we-" I asked, before they cut me off quick.

"We are going to Paris. People are getting a disease here and I don't want to catch a disgusting disease," my mom answered, painting her nails a very hot pink.

My mom and sister were dressed in cashmere coats and heels so long, they can be considered a weapon. Croptops and short shorts showing every single feature of their body. Hey look, my mom's liposuction surgery is showing-

It was a very quiet one hour drive. The girls were doing their nails and making sure their makeup didn't smudge. My disgusting father had his hand on my mom's thigh and texting other side bitches saying that he will meet up with them tonight. I turned on my phone and looked at all my messages of girls confessing and asking me out. I looked at a dm from a girl from Paris and texted her flirty messages. It was quite funny how quick she fell in love.

All of a sudden, a huge thud was heard. The driver was dead in his seat and the car seemed to crash into something. My family screamed and I stared in terror. I looked out the window and saw the people waiting for us to enter our private jet, dead on the ground. Before my family can even react, I opened the door the to the car and looked outside. It seemed we hit a dead body. I really didn't want to die, but we can escape and get the treatment we need with the billions of dollars we have. I moved the body and turned to open the door.

Before I could open the door, my family drove off. I was so confused and I thought they were going to come back.

So I waited.

I waited for years in the exact same spot. Little food and water. Sleeping in the exact same spot. I never died though. I never felt different. Gradually, I lost all interest in showing feelings, because it seems like people only play with me because of it.

//Flashback End. Luke's POV//

"It seems like people only care about their feelings, but not you. You are different."

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