chapter two: moment

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Double update in a week? Who am I?

——— xxx———

Key || Side Notes || Information
-Bold- = Author Notes
-Italics- = Character's Thoughts (only used once in awhile)
|| This Story will be told in first person point of view, occasionally switching povs every now and then. Warnings will be shown to help readers that are sensitive to gore and violence. Mature language used||

——— xxx———

He didn't have a quarantine suit. Nothing to protect him from me. His bare skin touched mine. Something I have never felt in a while. It made me feel- safe. It made me feel


I couldn't do anything but push him away. He's going to get sick because of me. I'm going to infect everyone again. Oh god, oh god. I hope the medicine at least killed some cells to decrease spreading. His surgeon mask is the only thing that is protecting him along with a few layers of clothes, but his bare hands were wrapped around my waist.

After I pushed him away, I couldn't help but miss that feeling of being human. I looked into his eyes. Those dead eyes of his. They didn't show any emotion still, but somewhere in his irises. I saw a glimpse of pity. Out of everything, pity.

"I was just trying to help," He defended, crossing his arms in annoyance.

Help? Someone normal that isn't doing this for their job wants to help? Maybe he works here-

"Y-You're going to get sick," I stuttered, waving my hands in front of me.

He scoffed and walked toward the doors that separated me from the outside world.

"I'm immune to the disease's cells."

He looked at me, a slight smile dancing on his lips.

"Luke," He randomly said.

"What?" I asked, tilting my head.

"My name is Luke."

Luke left and walked out of the room. I sat there, shocked out of my mind. A guy that is immune to the cells of what I'm currently dying from? How is that even possible?

All of a sudden, Mr. Johnson came back with a pissed look on his face. Even though he looks pissed every single day, but still.

"Are you okay?" I asked, pretty concerned.

He just glared at me and brought up his notebook in front of him, pulling down his glasses too.

"A patient killed himself today. He was pretty close to freedom though." Mr. Johnson stated pretty bluntly.

Pretty close to freedom?

"And what kind of freedom?" I asked, hope gleaming into my bright (eye color) eyes.

Mr. Johnson chuckled. Not in a happy way. More in a dark, scary way, which kind of brought chills down my spine.

"One that you're probably not going to get if you don't start taking your medicine. Maybe, maybe you will if your plan comes into a success," Mr. Johnson replied, his bored expression returning.

He placed the platter of disgusting soup into the slot and closed the door of it. He gave me on weird look however.

"Freedom is something we can't all achieve in life. Freedom is hard to reach for, but once you do, you will never want to go back."

Mr. Johnson turned around and walked out of the room.

Well, Mr. Johnson, I will reach for that freedom and never go back.

Again, left in my thoughts. I play with the playing cards, shuffling and spread the deck out. Once I spread the deck, I carefully pick out cards. The joker, 5 of hearts, 6 of hearts, 5 of spades, and 8 of spades. A chill ran down my spine, making me shiver. Strange.

"(Your Name)!" Lily's voice yelled out, the sound of the door opening followed.

I turned to look at her and she was smiling so happily. She had this big contagious grin on her face with her hand pulling someone along. A guy taller than her and younger was getting dragged along with her. What can I expect? He looked just like her. The same chocolate brown hair with hazel eyes matching with them. He wore a black, leather jacket over his navy blue hoodie with the logo saying, " Lincoln High," and baggy black jeans. His shoes were slip on black vans and his look was topped on with a black beanie and matching headphones. He seemed like the type of guy that's pretty chill and nice with his big goofy smile spread across his face.

He was cute, but not as gorgeous as Luke.

"(Your Name)! Meet my son, Anthony," Lily introduced happily.

Before I can even respond, she started dressing herself in the quarantine suit and ordering the same for Anthony to do. Anthony started putting on his suit, occasionally needing guidance once in awhile as I watch them in complete confusion and sadness. Of course, I'm kind of embarrassed of this being my first impression to my "family" and having them go through all this trouble.

Once they were done, Lily rushed to open the door and engulfed me into a strong hug. Anthony didn't know exactly what to do since we never met and probably found it pretty awkward to hug someone you just met.

"Okay, Okay, Okay, Anthony say Hi!" Lily said excitedly.

Anthony smiled a warm smile, a genuine smile, and waved at me. I know though, behind those eyes he pities me.

"Hello, I'm (Your Name)," I greeted him, smiling as well.

Lily looked at her watch, gasped, and ran out the door, taking off her suit afterwards.

"It's time for me to check on other patients. Anthony, you can stay here." Lily said quickly, running out the door of my room.

Once she left, Antony again smiled and picked up the playing cards I picked out. The color drained from his face after seeing them.

"I sometimes like telling my future by using playing cards. I forgot what some mean though," I answered, chuckling nervously.

He tried to keep a calm composure.

"Playing cards could mean anything, right?" He laughed nervously.


Scar8005 forced me to update more often so I said fuck it and now I'm updating more frequently. Thank her. I have so much ideas for new books and such so once this is finished I'll do the same. Anyways, Thanks for the support for this book. I honestly thought it was going to be a flop, but thank you.

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