A Familiar Face in an Unfamiliar Place?

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At the Fairy Forces base:

"I'm sorry ma'am, but I already told you, the whole base is on lockdown until the child Princess is found," one of the Guardian Fairies shook her head and blocked a Star Warrior from the exit. "If your friend is out there, he'll be able to wait a few more hours or so. I'm sure he's either fine, or already Nightmare food."

Sighing in irritation, the pure-white Star Warrior with chestnut eyes nodded once and crossed her arms in impatience. "All right, all right. But I'm worried about him. If he doesn't come back safely with a sakuranoki in hand after I promised General Stellar that he'd be able to handle it, I'll be Nightmare food myself."

The Guardian Fairy gave a weak smile. "Stellar's a toughie, isn't she? Guess you'd have to be, if you're the one that declared a whole species was at war."

Narrowing her eyes, the Star Warrior disagreed defensively, "Hey, I was there when the official declaration happened a couple decades ago. She didn't want to, she tried to think of any other option, but when the terror of the universe has started sending his Nightmares to your species' planet, there's not really much else you can do, now is there?" Growing softer, she shook her head. "Most of Stellar's problem is that she won't let herself trust anybody with anything. It's like she tells me: I'm having you do this, not because I trust you, but because I distrust you less than most people."

Shrugging, the Guardian Fairy adjusted the vest she wore that showed her Fairy Type. It was green like any other Guardian Fairy's, but the four golden stripes on the shoulder showed that she was a lieutenant general- the same rank as this Star Warrior, actually. Only difference was that one was a lieutenant general in the FF, the other in the SWA.

After yawning, the Fairy leaned against a wall and acquiesced, "Whatever. I still wouldn't want to have to put up with her like you do, especially not when she's in a bad mood."

With a shrug and a light laugh, the Star Warrior sat down against the wall next to the Fairy and gently took the Warp Star off of her plain-silver shoulder guard, then inspected it silently for a minute before putting it back carefully. Turning to the Fairy, she questioned cheerfully, "So, what's your name? I'm Petal." After saying that, the Star Warrior shook her head and sighed. "Wait, I'm supposed to be 'formal,' according to Stellar, anyway. So... ahem." Hopping up and standing at attention, Petal tried again, "Lieutenant General Petal of the Star Warrior Army at your service, ma'am. Name and rank?"

Rolling her eyes, the Fairy grinned at her. "No need to be so formal, it's not like we're in a meeting right now or anything. My name's Quicksilver, and I'm the same rank as you, which you probably already knew."

Nodding, Petal agreed in her former friendly manner, "Yeah. It's just that I'm not 'supposed' to ask someone only their name. It always has to be name and rank." Making a face, she leaned against the wall and sighed, "I'm really not good at all this soldier-y stuff. It's a good thing I mostly just work in the HQ military hospital at the Star Warrior Academy. At least there formality doesn't matter. All that matters is helping the hurt get well again."

"So this is your first field assignment in a while?" Quicksilver guessed, feeling rather curious.

Petal nodded again, then replied, "Yep. Sure, Stellar has me go with her to the occasional battle, mostly for first aid. And then there's the private I used to be training until he decided to go gallavanting off to Popstar without permission, Private Orion, who still calls me up to help him get out of a jam every once in awhile."

With a groan, the Fairy facepalmed. "I think I know that guy. He's unbearable. Can't speak two sentences to any girl without putting a 'love' or 'my dear' in there somewhere."

Heroes of Dreamland, Book 6 1/2: The Last Sakuranoki (OLD)Where stories live. Discover now