The Secret of The Star Sword

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It seemed much like any of her other dreams, what with the way she was standing and observing everything going on around her. And she had had dreams like this one that felt like she was watching something that had already happened rather than something that hadn't yet come to pass several times before. But it was different in that there didn't seem to be anyone else here with her... There was just a rocky, lava-filled, barren landscape surrounding her. Every few seconds, a small volcano would erupt, spitting fire all over the place. Everyone who had taken even the simplest Galactic Geography course could tell you exactly where this was: the Flame Planet, a place which was currently devoid of life, ever since its inhabitants the Fire People had died out before she was even born.

The Fire People had always been a small and limited race, one of the first races created by the Ancients. In all of the illustrations she'd seen of them, they looked like strange, people-shaped figures made entirely of fire. They were one of the stranger races left to populate the Galaxy. It seemed almost like they had been fashioned in such a way as that they could still be recognized even if their image was portrayed in extremely low-quality graphics.

Now, she jumped as a volcano right under her went off, going right through her since she wasn't actually there. Even though it was rather unnerving to be in a pillar of lava, it was sort of cool at the same time. (I mean, haven't you ever wondered at least the tiniest bit what the inside of a pillar of lava looks like? No? Well, call me a weirdo then, I suppose.)

Once the lava stopped gushing forth from the ground, she spread her butterfly wings and took off, looking around the terrain in a mixture of discomfort and curiosity. Fairies need to be surrounded by at least some sort of life to feel all right with the world, and at the moment, it very much looked like she was entirely alone. Maybe this wasn't in the past after all, maybe this was the here-and-now, seeing as how there were no flame people to be seen.

Suddenly, a sharp CLANG made her jump in mid-air, then cautiously start flying towards the side of a cliff with a lava waterfall (or would it just be a lavafall? I don't know,) pouring off of it in an attempt to find the source of the strange sound. What on earth would be making a 'clang' here? There was no metal to be seen...

After flying around a pile of boulders that was at the bottom of the cliff, the CLANG sounded again, much closer and louder this time. A split second later, she suddenly found herself face-to-face with a flame person. Giving a squeak of surpise, she backed quickly away, feeling awkward for barging in on them even though they couldn't even see her. Since he was indeed unable to see or hear her, the Fire Man just kept right at whatever-it-was he was doing, bringing a hammer heavily down onto some shapeless lump of glowing, red... stuff? Metal of some sort, that was for sure. Shrugging it off, she turned to fly away, then heard not only another clang, but a grunt of accomplisment from the Fire Man.

Turning around again, she watched in fascination as he set the hammer down and pulled out a chisel-like object that he used to cut away several triangular slices from the piece of metal he was working with, then file off some of the metal from the rectangular part. As she watched, there under his hands was forged a strangely-shaped blade with three spear-like spikes on either side of it. Actually, it grew more and more familiar as he worked and as the metal cooled to its natural golden color...

A growing sense of awe and amazement filled her as she began to realize just what she was watching, that awe growing to a climax when the Fire Man Photron pulled two rubies (seemingly from nowhere) and pressed them into place on either side of the new sword's hilt, then hit it once more with his blacksmith's hammer before holding it up in front of him, looking at it very studiously.

She continued to stare in astonishment, wondering how on Ripple Star she had ever been deemed worthy to watch the forging of the mighty star sword Galaxia.

Heroes of Dreamland, Book 6 1/2: The Last Sakuranoki (OLD)Where stories live. Discover now