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Okay, I'll be a bit more serious, although I really am ecstatic to have FINALLY (such emphasis XD) finished a story for the first time since June. So, what did you guys think? Did you enjoy having a little bit of a look at Ripple Star, learning more about the sakuranoki (there's someone in the ever-blossoming cherry tree! bet you weren't expecting that) and learning about the origins of the Cherry Star Sword, as well as the HoD theory on how Galaxia came to be? I hope you guys did, because I certainly enjoyed writing all of it. Oh, and I hope you enjoyed that teaser at the end about what the future may hold... Hopefully, we'll eventually get to learn a bit more about Aoi/Skye Knight. Any theories about who she is? XP

Anyways... Time for thanking. WOOOOOOO!

First of all, like always, a huge thanks to God, Father Son and Holy Spirit, for giving me a brain to come up with stories, fingers to type them, and time to share them (even if it hasn't been as much time as I'd like until more recently.) I also thank and praise You for blessing me with a family that puts up with me, even during the times when all I want to do is mutter about how I'd rather be writing than going and frying chicken.

Next, thanks to said family, but especially to my momma and daddy for understanding how important writing is to me and therefore letting me quit my job. Hopefully one of these days, (maybe even a day not as far away as we might think for now, it's all up to God,) writing will be my job. To my four beautiful and wonderful siblings, thank you for making me smile every day and for supporting my stories (even when they're 'fake' stories and dumb compared to the main series, according to one brother) and listening to me read them, even when my voice has recently started doing weird things and refusing to let me do all the voices at times.

Thanks next to PrimeJourney and WritingForLife101 (I almost called you by your real names, but I caught myself XD) for honestly being the best things that've come about because of HoD. You two are both some of my best friends, and I really hope we can hang out in real life one day! When I started writing online, I had no idea God was going to bless me with two new best friends, but I'm so grateful he did.

An extra thanks to PrimeJourney for basically being HoD's official illustrator (if you're ever actually interested in claiming that title, let me know! <(^D^)^) and sending me awesome drawings so often. (I don't know how she draws so well. It's like a superpower or something. It's awesome.)

Thanks to kyleemuy for being my very bestest friend and nearest and dearest elk. You are the one human on earth that I can be 110% myself around, even if that means going from discussing the threat of Ebola quite seriously one minute to laughing our heads off about you creating broccoli on the quadrillionth day of Creation the next. You're like my twin sister (or as you put it, you're me in an alternate universe where I'm obsessed with music instead of Kirby and other Japanese stuffs.) Looking forward to seeing you and dyeing some of our hair blue, sis!

Next, thanks to my cousin Lynda for being HoD and Sakura Knight's biggest fangirl, and for also being the only person I can comfortably go full-raging-fangirl on. (By the way, I'm still waiting for my Hunan MK with extra soy sauce, and I bet you are too... the Autocorrect Cafe really needs to start delivering faster. So do Etsy people. XP Your gift will get there soon, or it should, anyways!)

Next, neomeo, for being Wattpad's only other major Kirby author. Go check her out, ladies and gents. Let's see if we can get her book, "The Fate of Dreamland," to have the same number of reads as one of the HoD books! She's also an awesome peep in general, so go give her a follow.

Quick shoutouts to Epiclight, Kman1800 (although I think Wattpad might have lost that epic dude,) Galaxy_Artemis, AverageCuteGamer, and NaturalAqua for being cool peeps who vote and comment a lot, and in some cases, for being part of the few but proud group of HoD fan artists, and in two cases, for practically being here from the beginning! (XD I remember how much I freaked out when I got a comment on KatRD that was in Japanese... I couldn't believe someone in Japan was reading my story! Oh my 'budder,' it was so epic!)

And of course, a gigantor THANK YOU (such emphasis again XD) to anyone and everyone who's still around after (or even joined the Heroes of Dreamland bandwagon during) my semi-hiatus thing that happened the past several months. Hopefully we'll be back to normal again for now. Even if you never comment or vote or follow me, your simple act of clicking into and through one of my stories completely and totally makes my day.

God bless all of you guys. I thank Him for all of you on a regular basis.

Poyo on,


<((<|>))^((^-^*))^(^D^)^(^-^)^(-^ ^-)>

(Mags doesn't get an emoji because I can't find a good one for him. XP Suggestions on that are welcome, though.)


I'm going to my friend kyleemuy's house for the next few days as of tomorrow, (Oct. 30) so expect updates to begin again on prooooooobably Monday or Tuesday next week. And, as mentioned above, I'm going to have some blue hair when I get back, so booyah! And once I get back, things are hopefully going to be pretty regular from then on. So expect more HoD6 then! See ya, guys!

Heroes of Dreamland, Book 6 1/2: The Last Sakuranoki (OLD)Where stories live. Discover now