Chapter 5: A Truth Revealed - A Helping Hand

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A/N: HEY! So, sorry for the long hiatus, been busy with my other works and the hell known as writer's block. Gotta hate when you get a good thing goin' only to run out of ideas for who knows how long. ANYWAY enjoy the read, I should have another part up soon ... ish.


Kurokawa Residence

As Y/n sat in the dining room with his mother explaining what she knows about his quirk, Y/n was staring at his mother speechless not only at the fact that his parent's were Guardians for a time but that she kept this hidden from him. Finding out about this now when the U.A entrance exam was a few years away only proceeded to anger him, and his mother could see it in his eyes, that same fire that revolves around his quirk burning in the e/c eyes of her son.


Kallen looked up at her son as he simply looked at the dining table, it became clear to Kallen that her son, the one person that she saw other than her late husband could trust and count on in times like these was just broken inside.

"Why did you keep this from me? For all these years I've been trying to find out how to control this quirk and I'm only just finding out that my parents have quirks similar to others and myself and now I know that they've just been sitting on their asses!"

Kallen flinched at her son's outburst, she understood her son's frustrations and that he was angry about being kept in the dark. Kallen felt guilty herself and that she wanted to tell her baby boy about his quirk but she feared that if she did then her son would hate her for keeping something like this from him, and here it was blowing up in her face.

"I'm sorry, Y/n, really I am. But I only did it to protect you after your father died ... I didn't want you to go out there and meet the same fate as him, I've already lost one of the most important people in my life, I don't want to lose the other one too."

Kallen was on the verge of tears, pleading with her baby boy to listen to reason even though she knew that without a doubt her son wouldn't listen to her, as Y/n processed the information he clenched his fists as he too was on the verge of tears, while he wanted to become a Hero and he was aware of the risks involved it broke the young man's heart seeing his mother upset. Releasing the grip on his hands as tears started falling down his face Y/n stood up and embraced his mother, catching Kallen by surprise causing her to gasp.

"I understand why you kept this from me mom, and I shouldn't be angry at you but I want to be able to trust you, how can I trust you if you keep secrets like this from me? I know you're still mourning dad's death, but I want you to know that I'm well aware of the risks involved. If I want to hope to minimize those risks, I need to learn to control this quirk but I need your help to do so. Please mom, I implore you, help me."

"I will, I promise you that I will help you, but we need help, we need Cayde, he's more knowledgeable than me and Ikora's wisdom will help. We'll start tomorrow when Cayde arrives, but first I need to tell you the truth behind your quirk."

Kallen disappeared into the study leaving her son alone with the floating eye called a Ghost. As Y/n attempted to ignore the eye-bot, its incessant beeping every time it blinked finally pushed Y/n over the edge causing the aspiring hero to slam his hands on the table and shoot up from his seat. As his hand burned with the intensity of three suns, the Ghost took notice of the unfolding event and proceeded to vanish into thin air.

"Relax Y/n, you're quirk ... it's going to burn down the house!"


As Y/n's quirk only grew in devastation the aspiring hero started to panic. If it was just himself that was home he would have just rushed to the backyard and let his quirk explode causing moderate damage to both the house and a fair majority of the city block, and seeing as his mom was home Y/n felt fear, not for his own sake but for the sake of his mom as well.

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