Chapter 2: A Helping Hand Part 1

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A/N: Okay as evident by the title of the chapter and info provided in the previous one, Y/n is having trouble with his quirk and needs help trying to find out not only what it is but how to control it. 


Y/n's Pov

I changed into my school uniform and slung my bag over my left shoulder as I made my way downstairs and to the kitchen where mom was making breakfast for me, not that she needed to I'm perfectly capable of looking after myself but when it comes to my quirk getting out of hand that's it mom mode kicks into overdrive. I love mom but sometimes I can't help but feel that she goes a little over the top at times, I walked into the kitchen and mom had made pancakes and waffles like normal whenever I lose control of my quirk. I placed my bag on the table and pulled up a chair and started eating some of the pancakes as mom came over an joined me.

"Hey kiddo, maybe go see if the school library has anything to help you with your quirk, no use spending heaps of money on the doctors every time you've gone it's always been the same answer. 'Keep working on your quirk, you'll understand it sometime soon.' So maybe try speaking to Rin, she might have better insight than us."

I swallowed the waffle that I was eating and let out a small sigh when mom brought up visiting Rin, I guess it wouldn't be too hard I mean class is always disruptive as hell and I spend most of my time there anyways, I looked at my partially opened bag before pulling out my enrollment form for which hero academy I wanted to join, the deadline was today and I still hadn't filled it out yet.

"I guess so mom, but maybe I should consider all the facts at best, I mean, when I think about it out of all the schools to enroll in U.A. is the logical choice given the facilities at their disposal."

Mom gave me a smirk as I started filling out the form, if dad were here he'd be egging me to go, I miss him and so does mom. If it wasn't for one of his old 'acquaintances' tracking him down and blowing up his car three years ago then he'd still be here and I wouldn't be struggling with my quirk as much.

"Well, looks like you're all set then. Just don't forget to hand that in today okay? I'll see you after school sweetie I love you."

I put my enrollment form back into my bag and finished off my breakfast before making my way to the front door and ultimately the hell known as school. It wasn't so bad now but when I brought up that I was having trouble studying because I was being bullied due to the fact I can't control my quirk, mom and dad made the decision to move to Hosu City.

"Yeah, catch you later mom, I love you too."

 I closed the door behind me and made my way to the footpath and not too long after I ran into Daisuke Shimura, my best friend next to Rin Nohara, unlike everybody else they didn't just hang me out to dry when I told them I couldn't control my quirk, quite the opposite actually, they've been trying to help me find solutions for my problem.

"Hey, Y/n. How's it going?"

Daisuke gave me a wave of the hand as I met up with him.

"Eh, not too bad ... lost control of my quirk again ... nearly burnt the house down again."

Daisuke placed a hand on my shoulder as we started walking to school, one thing that he never let anyone know was that he wasn't exactly the sharpest tool in the shed when it came to most things, but anything quirk related and he's like a god damn encyclopedia kinda like Midoriya was before I had to move schools.

"Yeesh, that bad huh? Have you tried, oh I don't know, focusing your quirk into a single object?"

I gave Daisuke a massively puzzled look like someone had just told me that Edison didn't invent the light bulb, all he did was give off a face palm at my stupidity even though I have mom's smarts I can be rather clueless at times.

"You know, like concentrating on a singular object like a gun or something? Maybe that's what your missing a catalyst of some kind."

"I don't know, maybe, I never really thought of it like that I'm gonna be stopping by the library to see Rin, maybe she'll be able to provide additional assistance thanks Daisuke, I'll see you later."

Daisuke and I left to go to our respective classes, while mine was the more disruptive one Daisuke's was more laid-back and able to actually get work done, not like me where I'd end up with mountains of homework due to the idiots in my class. I barely got my foot in the door and I had to dodge paper balls, flying books and even the occasional chair, I mean SERIOUSLY!? I've been putting up with this for who knows how long and I'm still not used to it. Like normal the teacher did jack to control the class which I found rather ironic as it reminds me of my quirk.

Shortly after the teacher had taken role call he asked all of us to hand in our enrollment forms for the academy that we'd like to go to, I wasn't overly stressed about it but I knew what was in store for me, I gave the teacher my form and packed my gear up before heading to the library to see Rin, and ask her for some help.

I opened the door to the library and not to my surprise there was next to nobody here, aside from Rin, but one things stood out almost immediately and that was that Daisuke was here. In all honesty I would have thought that he'd still be in class and this set off not so much alarm bells but rather peaked my curiosity.

"Oh good morning Y/n, you're here earlier than normal. Lemme guess, class still disruptive as ever?"

I gave Rin a smile as well as a nod confirming her already confirmed suspicions as to why I was in earlier than normal, and our conversation prompted Daisuke to butt his head in which was always welcomed unless the situation stated otherwise.

"Well, this is where you hide during class? Gotta say, I bet you get plenty of work done here than in actual class."

You know it, but what brings you here Daisuke? Shouldn't you be in class? I get that your teacher is laid-back and all but still, and did you at least hand in your enrollment form the deadline's today."

"Well, I'm hoping to get into U.A. not so much that I can become a pro-hero, I just want to be able to help others not in a hospital but rather out  in the field if you get where I'm coming from."

Daisuke and I looked at Rin completely dumbfounded ever since we've known her, Rin, hasn't been that set on becoming a pro-hero it's not because her quirk allows for it but rather she just doesn't feel it's her thing.

"But I always thought you weren't going to become a pro-hero Rin. I mean your quirk allows you to heal others through Chakra, Daisuke can make copies of himself, and all my quirk can do is just get out of hand."

Daisuke and Rin both gave me solemn looks, aside from mom, they were the only other two that I told about my problem with my quirk, Daisuke placed a hand on my shoulder which got my attention.

"Hey after school stop by my place, you too Rin we'll need your quirk, Y/n we'll help you gain control of your quirk alright, remember what I said earlier? We'll start there." 

Daisuke looked at his watch and as he did the bell for the end of the day went off signalling an end to our time here at school and hopefully our journey to U.A.


A/N: Well another chapter down, I felt this one was starting to drag on so I've decided to make this one a two parter. The next chapter will be Daisuke and Rin helping Y/n figuring out how to use his quirk WITHOUT losing control in the lead up to their entrance exam at U.A. Thank you all for reading and I bid you farewell.

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