Chapter 6: Preparing for the Entrance Exam

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A/N: HEY! Just a heads up no I'm not dead, I've just been having some writers block with this story lately. That and I've had to re watch My Hero Academia so that I can try and tie in both elements from Destiny and the show together that don't cause too much conflict. Anyways on with the story.


Kurokawa Residence

After finally waking up from what was essentially a self-induced Coma, Y/n made his way downstairs albeit with a mild pain in his arm as a result of the third degree burns acquired two weeks ago after his first ever successful attempt at controlling his quirk.

"I understand your concern Kallen, but you must understand that unless Y/n can fully master his quirk, the chances of him getting into U.A. are rather slim."

As Y/n entered the kitchen the aspiring hero stood next to Cayde as his mother and another woman were discussing things regarding his quirk and the U.A. Entrance Exam. Turning to the robot, Y/n gave Cayde a small nod which the latter returned as his gaze was redirected from the boy next to him back to the two adults currently bordering on a squabbling match.

"So want to fill me in with what's going on and what I've missed the last two weeks?"

"Basically Ikora is trying to convince your mom to have us help you master your quirk so that you can partake in the U.A. Entrance exam. But being your mom, she's kinda being stubborn right now."

"Honestly given everything that happened two weeks ago, I'd be worried if she wasn't concerned for my safety. After all I've never been able to mold my quirk into anything much less a flaming gun, it's freaking her out and frankly I'm scared myself."

As Cayde brought Y/n up to speed on events that had gone down while he's been unconscious, the aspiring hero's mother and the other woman present rejoined the two as Kallen gave her son a concerned glance, the other woman present gave her partner a nod leaving Y/n confused as to what was going on.

"As reluctant as I am about this Y/n, if you're really hell bent on becoming a hero, then it's best if you go with Cayde and Ikora they can help you with your quirk far better than I can. You're a grown man now, and I know when it's time to let my baby boy fly the coop."

As the news hit Y/n, the aspiring hero glanced down at the ground as his thoughts ran like wildfire. All his life he'd wanted nothing more than to become a hero and now the opportunity was presenting itself to him, but if he was to chase after his dream it entails leaving his mom behind, the one person who solely cared for him since he was a toddler and knowing that he'd essentially be leaving everything he's known behind a single tear graced Y/n's cheek as he looked into his mother's eyes.

"As much as I want to become a hero mom, I don't want to leave you behind. But that won't dissuade me from chasing my dream, I promise you mom that I'll take care of myself and whenever I get the chance I'll stop by and visit."

"I know you will my boy, now go get your things ready and don't let me down, you hear me? No son of mine will be upstaged by those wannabe heroes in training. Understand?"

"Yes mom, I understand completely. I won't let you down."

"Then let's get this show on the road. Whoo!"

"Someone is enjoying themselves a bit too much."

"That's Cayde for you, take care of my son Ikora. Nothing to reckless at first, promise?"

"Not to worry Kallen, Y/n will be in capable hands."

As Ikora reaffirmed Kallen's fears about her son, an explosion drew the attention of the two to the front of the house only for Cayde and Y/n to poke their heads through a hole in the wall causing the two women to stare at the pair with deadpan expressions.

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