Chapter 8: Welcome To U.A.

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A/N: For the record, this story is not dead contrary to some people. I have had to deal with issues irl so haven't had time to update anything. So for future reference, if you don't like the fact it may take me a while to get a chapter out, then don't read my stories, simple as that. Because last I checked I didn't sign a damn contract saying I had to update a story every two days, I take pride in delivering a quality product for people to read and enjoy while keeping it in line with the source material. WHICH MEANS I NEED TO REFRESH MY MEMORY ON EVENTS FROM SAID SOURCE MATERIAL! WHICH TAKES TIME!

Anyway Rant over, enjoy the chapter or don't, quite frankly I don't care, read or don't again don't care, might quit wattpad when I finish a couple more stories, I don't know yet.


U.A. High - Medical Ward

After the rather chaotic situation that was the U.A. entrance exam, Daisuke, Rin as well as a few members of the U.A. faculty and Kallen were all waiting for Y/n to regain consciousness after the zero point robot slammed the aspiring hero off his feet and into Rin and the initial impact knocking him out, thankfully the entrance exam ended before any real damage could ensue and Recovery Girl went around seeing to the major injuries including Y/n.

Thanks to Recovery Girl's quirk, Y/n's injuries had subsided and the aspiring hero's condition had improved easing Kallen, Daisuke and Rin's worries. All that remained was for Y/n to wake up to discuss the results of the entrance exam.

"Okay ... in future, don't ... let me do something like that ... again ... ouch."

As Y/n groggily woke up from his sleep, the first thing the aspiring hero took notice of was the looks of annoyance and relief on the faces of those present, Rin in particular, although the young healer's look softened knowing that her friend had woken up, Rin was still annoyed that Y/n left without saying anything to her or Daisuke.

"You ... you idiot! First you leave out of the blue and say nothing to any of us, then you suddenly appear to take the U.A. entrance exam!? If you weren't already beaten up I'd beat you up myself!"

"Nice to ... see you too ... Rin."

No sooner than Y/n made eye contact with the younger of his old friends that he soon found himself in a near bone crushing embrace as Rin buried her neck into his shoulder.

"When you left without a word I was ... er, we, were worried about you."

"I'm fine Rin, honest, but could you please let me go? Lack of air."

Frantically releasing Y/n from her embrace, Rin gave the aspiring hero a smile of  embarrassment at the fact she nearly squeezed him to death.

"Sorry Y/n. It's just ... it's good to see you again."

"Seems like you've gotten a hold of your quirk Y/n."

"More or less, I don't pass out or get third degree burns as often. But there's always room for improvement."

As Daisuke clapped a hand onto Y/n's shoulder the trio's attention was drawn back to the group of teachers as well as Y/n's mother.

"While it is fortuitous that young Kurokawa has made a recovery, there's still the matter of the results of the entrance exam. Mr. Aizawa would you be so kind as to tell them the results."

"If I must, given the practical use of your quirks it's clear that each of you have a history and a unique sense of camaraderie given how you each looked out for the other during the entrance exam. So based off the preliminary results you have all been accepted into U.A's hero course. Congratulations kids."

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2021 ⏰

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