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"The Luddites shun the diabolical
A fecal trail across the land"

Her stormy eyes, mostly hidden behind her dark lashes, and her face which reflected shadows upon her skin from where she lay. Moon poured into her window and grazed her. She was beautiful-

Atleast this was what Tobias was Currently thinking as he studied her still face, she looked back upon him. Her hair flowed about her endlessly. Like a storm almost. No. Like the clouds of a storm. Soft but violent. He admired it.

He smiled before looking away.

It was late.

They spent the whole party together and when everyone was asleep she snuck him in for the night.

Now she watched him get dressed, and she, she was only covered by her sheets which she clutched to her chest.

"Must you go?" The question was a whisper that left her pink lips.

"I dont want to-" He sat against her bed after dressing. His hand went to carass her cheek. Arabella closed her eyes and nuzzled into his touch. " But Its late my love." He whispered.

"So?" She pouted and opened her eyes to meet his gaze.

"So-" He chuckled and mocked her tone before hushly speaking again. "I cant be here when everyone wakes up, can I?"

"I hate seeing you leave Tobias-" He cut her off by leaning down and meeting her words with a kiss. Hands cupping her cheeks and soon she gripped his wrist softly.

"Patience." He said against her lips when he pulled away. "Remember what I said little one. You and I. We will run off soon."

She smiled.

"Promise?" She leaned up, eyes on his lips, mouths inches away.

"Promise." He pecked her lips once more before inching away towards her window.

"Goodnight Tobias." She bit her lip.

"Goodnight Arabella." He replied before he began to climb out.

Pausing, she watched him leave before lying back down against her pillow.

Never had she noticed how dreadful the silence was-

Arabella closed her eyes.

-or the absence of a familiar stranger.

The next few days were, to put it bluntly, slow.

With the fast spreading of the plague, Tobias was swarmed with patients. So much that he and his brother had to hire other medical physicians. All from different towns.

Arabella waited around for him, but she did not see him as often as she wouldve liked. In fact it felt like he was gone more than he was with her.

But she understood.

Well she had too. Didnt she?

After all it wouldve been extremely selfish of her to keep him all to herself-

Wouldnt it?

How often she found herself fantasizing over that idea. Just them together. It often made her smile.

Though over the courses of the few weeks that the hospital was opened, Arabella would sneak off to see him at night. Her eyes were begining to be outlined by dark circles from the lack of sleep. She didnt mind though.

Over that time though, wedding plans had progressed. Not only was her dress ready, but invitations had been sent (including to The Dawson brothers, something Tobias wasnt fond of), a venue was chosen, cake, and honeymoon was planned.

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