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"Standing tall, invincible
But do not forget your knives
To save your lives-"

There was a certain confidence in his smile and Arabella couldn't help but find it oddly funny how something as simple as a smile could change so drastically yet stay the same because of a simple action. For example, How he lit up when she took his hand.

Even then Tobias felt at ease, and it surprised him, nerves no longer lingered as they trudged through the hills grass even closer to the building, and even Arabella seemed to notice the slow yet unexpected change between them. It felt natural.

"What made you want to pursue this?" Arabella asked suddenly as they approached the large wooden double doors that had such detail in their carvings depicting the sun on one door and the moon on the other, clouds like a mist gentle carved and surrounded the two, the handle attached twisted like copper vines and branched out against the wood. Overhead held a lantern near the entrance. Arabella couldn't help but admire it, finding almost hard to tear her eyes away as she looked at him. "Helping the sick like this? In such a small town?"

Tobias watched her examine the door with curiosity. He had seen its carvings and steel work many times before but he understood why she studied it the way she did. It was the newest and finest building in the small town.

His slicked back hair was messy but it suited him, and a strand fell into his face, which would be considered improper at the time but it made Arabella melt slightly. Tobias held a glint in his eyes when she asked and with a joyful smile, he softly spoke.

"What good would I be with my skills if I let those among us perish?" He answered her with a question and a slight charm rung in his voice. He paused before cunningly proceeding to ask, "Shall we?" Tobias motioned towards the door.

"Of course." Arabella slightly bowed her head.

With a creak, the door swung open and shut behind them after Tobias opened it for them.
Their feet echoed as the stepped among the stoned flooring, light warmly poured in from the stained glass windows that depicted angels in songs with golden halos surrounding them and vibrant colors, the walls cascaded above them, the room was large, and a staircase turned like a spiral, leading up to the buildings many floors.

"Each floor is frankly the same." He said as he put a hand on the girl's shoulder, her eyes were wide as she took in as much detail that she could. Yet being the first time seeing it, the place felt so familiar, she just couldnt place it. "But there is one room, in particular, I'd like for you to see Arabella." Warmly he smiled down upon her, his hand grazing from her shoulder where it previously rested down her arm to her hand. Butterflies coursed between the two as he pulled her gently along to the stairs. "It is quite a walk though, I'm afraid the room is at the top of the building."

"That's alright," She said as she held the hem of her dress while stepping up the stairs with him. Tobias wasn't wrong, it was a bit of a trudge to get up the stairs after the first few floors. Each floor was wide and open, with rows upon rows of hospital beddings and shelves filled with supplies, as empty as the building was, it gave Arabella a shudder. But upon the tenth floor something had changed, instead of a wide floor with rows of beds, it was a small room, with a clear window peering out over the trees and one bed. It was cozy, had a fireplace and a resting couch. Though the walls were a dark smudge of a brown, the room wasn't half as bad.

"It's an extra room. Won't be used for anything but storage I'm afraid but I find it calming and relaxing persay." Tobias said as he sat on the couch and leaned back. Arabella paced around the small room, dragging her hand along the rough stone of the wall while she did. Then, she turned and smiled at him.

"Really, it's quite lovely." She spoke. "Perhaps A painting could bring out some color," she whispered as she felt the stone of the wall once more and glanced over it as if it was a canvas. Tobias chuckled and watched her.

"Perhaps." he half whispered. Tobias paused as silence filled the air eventually Tobias spoke again, Arabella met his eyes. "What would you paint if you could?" His question suddenly prodded at her.

The girl furrowed her brows and thought for a moment. "Stars." She said softly and almost with longing. Tobias rose a brow as he was a bit taken back by her answer. "What would you paint?" She asked back.

Tobias thought for a moment as well. "Hmm. I don't know really." He breathed out. "What do you think I should paint? If I indeed was to?"

"Something beautiful," Arabella said happily and flashed him a smile. Yet that smiled faded as Tobias studied her, his eyes gazing over her body, her figure, her hair, and up to her eyes as if she was a walking painting herself. Arabella tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and studied him back before shifting her gaze away.

"You." He started promptly. Arabella's felt her face heat up. "I'd paint you." he continued. His eyes didn't leave her, Tobias was calm, instead, he watched her get flustered, blush, shift, avoid his gaze, and it made him smile softly.

"Well, I-" she stuttered and breathed. "I'm flattered." Arabella breathed out and caught his gaze once more.

Tobias leaned forward and was about to speak again when her eyes widened. "I'm late!" She muttered.

"Late?" Tobias repeated.

"Uh-" She sighed. "Yes, my mother expected me home by now."

Tobias leaned back. "Ah yes," he mumbled. "Are you free tomorrow afternoon?"

With a smile, Arabella responded. "Yes," she whispered faintly.

"Tea again? Or perhaps another stroll, yes?" Tobias held excitement in his eyes. She nodded.

"Would be lovely." Her words held a slight chuckle as she grasped her hands behind her back.

"Shall I walk you home then?" Tobias asked. Arabella could only silently and reluctantly nod. Such a lovely evening and was over so fast, she knew it would make every other day seem so dreadfully long.

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