Chapter 5

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John then gets back into the city to meet his parents that they should be very worried about him at 3 a.m. and suddenly a vampire attacks him from behind and John fells on the streets.

"Aaaah! Who are you? Why did you attack me?" Cry out, John.

"So, you are on the wrong side of the war." Said this new vampire enjoying himself. He had blonde hair and blue eyes, but his skin was pale, just like John's skin, his shirt was old, dirty and with blood.

"Wait you are working for William Cornivous, aren't you?" Ask John.

"How disrespectful of you saying his name." Said the vampire angry at him.

Suddenly the vampire vanishes and appears at Johns back and strikes him down with a sword.

"So weak!! Are you even trying!?" Said the vampire still enjoying himself.

"Aaah! No, Wait!" Cry's out John.

Then the vampire vanishes again, and this time appears at John's right side and strikes him down with his claws.

"So incredible disappointing!! Well then, I think I already play enough with you, time to die!"

"Wait!" Cry's out John in fear.

Then the vampire creates the blade of a spear made of blood on his left hand and throws it at John and the spear gets through his right shoulder. Then the vampire moves at high speed to John to finish the job, but then the vampire agent stops him and kills the vampire by putting a spear of blood in his heart.

"Wow! Thank you, sir." Said John with joy in his voice.

"Please call me Conor." Finally, Conor revealing his identity.

"All right then Conor, thank you for saving me."

"I told you, you need to practice more and learn how to use your claws and speed." Said Conor enjoying himself.

"Yeah, but what was that you and he made, was like a spear of blood you made out of nowhere." Said John very confused.

"Well I told you, you need more practice. Come with me, am tired of babysitting you." Said Conor.

John's wounds begin to self-heal.

"How is this possible!? My wounds disappeared." Ask John.

"Yeah, it's a gift that we, the vampires." Said Conor.

Conor and John get back to the castle and start arguing about how much he doesnt know about these new powers of him. They enter a room to discuss that.

"Look mate it's a lot that you don't know, but if you want to stay alive you need to keep training and just so you know you are lucky that the vampire that attacked you was weak and of course that I was there, if I didn't show up it will be a whole different story." Said Conor enjoying himself.

"It seems that you are enjoying telling me this." Said, John.

"Maybe I am."

Then a Vampire from Marcus' royal house enters the room and asks for John.

"John, prince Marcus wants to see you." Said the friendly Vampire.

"Oh, ok." Said John a little bit nervous, wondering in his head why will Marcus wanted to speak with him.

"This way please sir." The friendly vampire shows the way to John.

John arrives at Marcus Chamber and opens the door.

"So, they almost kill you, huh?" Said Marcus drinking a cup of blood.

"How did you..." John got interrupted before he could finish asking.

"Oh, come on, Young Doctor I have eyes everywhere." Said Marcus with pride.

"So, who is she?" Ask John looking at a very beautiful woman, her hair is blond and her eyes green.

"Oh! She is a friend; Doctor John Brown let me present you to Valmir she is a witch, a very powerful one." Said Marcus presenting John to Valmir.

"So, my prediction was accurate with this newborn." Said Valmir very proud of herself.

"Your prediction!? What in the bloody hell is she talking about?" Ask John very confused.

"I predicted that you, Young Doctor will become a strong member of the Cornivous royal family." Said Valmir smiling at him.

"You see John our royal family, the Cornivous family... well it's separated for now, because of my brother and me," Marcus explains.

"So, I have heard sir." Replied John.

"I see. Look the reason why my beloved brother wants to make mankind suffer it's because a hunter killed his girlfriend, so his mind it's not clear enough right now and my father wouldn't like to see this mess. After all, he taught us that we should never need to declare war to mankind because we need them." Said Marcus explaining the reason why William wants to make mankind suffer.

"I see, sounds like a very wise man." Said John happy that their father sounds like a wise man.

"He is, and I like that you think that way of him."

"Where exactly am I?"

"It seems like I never answer all your questions, my friend. Hahaha. Well, you see, you are in my fathers castle and this place... well we call it the Ascalon Castle."

"Ascalon Castle!" Cry's out John.

"That's right. It belongs a long time ago to a noble king called Edgar Ascalon but that doesn't matter right now."

"You don't mine sir if I ask, where is your father?"

"Well (sighs) I don't exactly know, I mean he said that he will be in this very old place that has only sand on it, so I suppose is Egypt and that he needed to look for or fight I guess something called "The Mummy"."

"The Mummy!?" Ask John and start's getting thirsty.

"Oh, it seems that our friend it's a little thirsty, bring him up a cup of blood! Haha." Said Marcus to a Vampire nearby.

"Thank you, sir."

John takes the cup and sees the blood in it, and it makes him feel disgusted, he finally drinks the cup of blood. Then he looks at the witch and it seems that she was summoning something, then a big eyeball with some tentacles that look like tails and two little horns in his head appeared.

"Wow! What the bloody hell is that?" Ask John very intrigued to know what was that creature that appeared.

"This young doctor it's my baby." Said Valmir happy to see that thing.

"Your baby!?" Ask John confused.

"Indeed, Young Doctor I summoned her; she is a nightmare."

"A Nightmare!?"

"Indeed, she gives people's nightmares and she is a nightmare," Valmir Explains vaguely.

"I don't think I quite understand." Said, John.

"You won't, they are very rare and very powerful creatures, they can throw a spell that makes you see your worst nightmare and you can never break the spell or they can get into a dead body and fight, but if they do that it's because they don't have any other choice and they can only do it by entering only a dead body and of course it can power up that body very much. They are quite dangerous creatures." Explains Valmir with more details.

"I see." Said John understanding a little bit more of what are those things.

Then an explosion knocks out the front door of the castle.

"What was that!!?" Cry's out John.

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