Chapter 34

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Back with Blackmir, she investigates in all the books that she has, to try and figure out something that could help them win The Great War. Finally, she discovers something useful in a book that she has in her hands. That book is dark red and in the cover of the book was a skull of a monster with big horns and surrounded by monster figures, that looked like demons with an ax at their right hand. On a page that she found was this antique handwriting for magic and in the center of the page, was this big bird with fire but not normal fire, black fire. In this very ancient handwriting of magic, it tells her that this mythical creature was the opposite, the counterpart of The Phoenix and it's called The Dark Phoenix.

"Finally! We can turn the tables around." Blackmir replied happily.

Blackmir rapidly goes to Dracula's Chamber to tell him the good news. Blackmir arrives and enters his room without knocking.

"My Lord!"

"Huh? Yeah, what is it, my dear?"

"I found a way to help us win The Great War."

Dracula excited asks her what is it that she found.

"Really!! What is it!?"

"I found it in one of my books an ancient creature, a mythical creature. I found a way to summon the counterpart of The Phoenix."

Dracula recognizes this mythical creature and with happiness in his eyes tells Blackmir to summon it.

"The Dark Phoenix! Perfect. Alright Blackmir, summon it."

"Right now?"

"Yeah right now."

"Uh... My Lord, I don't think I have the power to summon that powerful creature. His power is way beyond me and I don't think I can."

"Well then, use the help of your two other sisters. With your three powers combine, I'm sure that you could summon him. After all, you three are my most powerful witches, that I have."

Blackmir concern that she will need to ask the help of her two other sisters, that she now doesn't fully trust.

"But sir, I can ask the help of other witches, not necessarily my..." Said Blackmir getting interrupted by Dracula.

"What's going on!? You don't trust your sisters? "

"No, it's not that."

"Then, what is it? Because since the moment a told you that Valmir should go with Ashbury to get the heart of a werewolf, you have been, preoccupied. You don't trust your sisters anymore, don't you?"

"My Lord!? It's...." She kept getting interrupted by Dracula.

"You think that they may betray me, huh? Because if that is the case, I would have to execute your sister and believe me, dear, I don't want to do that."

My Lord! It's not that alright, I can assure you, it's just that they are my little sisters and because I'm the oldest, well I worry too much about them."

"I understand. Just one more question." Said Dracula seriously.

"Of course."

"Summoning The Dark Phoenix, is it dangerous?"

"Well, if the power it's not enough it will deal a lot of damage to those that are trying to summon him, but it will not kill them."

"Then, why are you so, stubborn that your two little sisters shouldn't get involved?"

"Oh, I didn't mean it that way. What I meant is that they are other witches that are strong too and they could help if we failed."

Dracula sighs and then he smiles at her.

"Blackmir, I trust you but please involved your sisters in these."

Blackmir then called her two sisters in a new room that has enough space to summon the big bird and this new room, is in one of the tips of the tower.

"Wait, you want us to help you summon that powerful mythical creature!?" Asked Valmir's concern about it.

"You know Blackmir that creature has a tremendous amount of power and to summon him it will take a lot of magical power that, we don't have!"

"Look, I believe in us alright. Maybe the three of us, we have the power to summon him. After all, we are the most powerful witches that exist and you two have more power than you think you have, and I know it."

"Fine then, we'll do it." Said Valmir seriously.

"We are?" Asked Bloodmir confused.

"Let's give it shot. Hopefully, we don't die by trying to summon him." Pointed out Valmir.

"I knew I can count on you two. Well then, let's summon him."

The three sisters are forming a triangle from the places that they are standing, then they started to summon The Dark Phoenix. A very big black sphere was in the center of the room. They were using all their power to summon him and then a big a blast of dark energy flow through to the top of the tower into the sky.

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