Chapter 28

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Back in the city of Leona's King Harvey and Master Harry, were discussing in the King's Chamber about using the ancient book that they found in the ghost city.

"Harry, I think it's time to use that great weapon of yours."

"You mean the ancient book."

"Yes. If what you said is true, we can attack London The Fallen City and destroy Dracula's army once's and for all."

"I have been thinking about that too, but the thing is, it's not time yet."

"Harry, I beg of you, has your friend, please use that book to destroy our enemy without losing too many soldiers."

Ellie and Valerius were going to Master Harrys Chamber to speak to him and King Harvey, but when they enter no one was in there, then a Velmont hunter was walking by and Ellie ask him where was his father.

"Excuse me. Where is my father!?"

"He is in the King's chamber, talking to the king." Said the Velmont hunter.

"Thanks." Valerius Velmont replied.

They were about to leaven when they heard a scream.

"What was that!?" Asked Ellie trying to see where did that scream came from.

"I don't know?" Valerius replied.

Then Ellie uses magic to find were did that scream came from and then a trail of dust light leads them into a very old wardrobe. Ellie opens the wardrobe and finds over there a lot of books and a sphere of magic.

"It's that the morning star!?" Said Valerius confused.

"No, the morning star has the flame of the Phoenix, but this sphere is with magic and it's called, Pruma!" Pointed out, Ellie.


"It can show you many secrets and possible futures. Also is the last seeing stone." Said Ellie grabbing the Pruma.

Then the Pruma was showing some images about a city on fire.

"What is that place!?" Asked Valerius.

Then King Harvey and Master Harry arrived were Ellie and Valerius was.

"What are you doing?" Asked Master Harry.

"WOW!! You scared us." Said Ellie almost dropping the Pruma.

"Ellie, what are you doing here my dear?" Asked Master Harry.

"We were looking for both of you but then we got distracted." Answer Ellie.

"We heard a scream and that scream leads us to here." Said Valerius telling what happened.

"To that sphere!? But I thought that you still have the morning star with you?" Said King Harvey confused.

"I still have it with me, but that it's not the morning star, it's a Pruma!" Pointed out, Master Harry.

"A what!?" Replied King Harvey.

"A sphere that can show you the past, many possible futures, and show you secrets. Also, it is the last seeing stone. There were only three of them." Answered Master Harry grabbing the Pruma from Ellie's hands.

"All right? Where are the other two." Said King Harvey eager to know where are the locations of the other two.

"Legend said that they were destroyed in the time of King Arthur and Merlin. Wait, that city that the Pruma is showing, I think I know it." Said Master Harry getting a closer look at the Pruma.

King Harvey, Valerius, and Ellie get closer to the Pruma too.

"Yeah, that's London!! Before it fell." Pointed out, King Harvey.

"And look that's the Ascalon Castle where the Cornivous family used to live, but now, of course, they are dead because of Dracula." Said Master Harry feeling sorry for them.

"And there is Dracula's castle but who is that young man?" Asked King Harvey.

"He is running away from Ascalon Castle and going to the city alone. Wait, It's a vampire!" Said Master Harry seriously.

"Look, Dracula, he got out of the castle but why!?" Asked Ellie.

"And now that vampire it's going to a house trying to reach those hunters before they can get to the house." Pointed out, Valerius.

"Wait, WHAT!!!!?" Cry's out everyone.

Everyone in that room was shocked about what they saw on the Pruma. Then a big sound was heard inside the city and another outside but near the city of Leona's, like if something just bounced back.

The King, Master Harry, Ellie, and Valerius run outside to see what was that sound, then a Velmont Hunter and a Wizard yells at them, telling them that Dracula's castle and his army are outside the City.

"Sir!!! Dracula's army and his Castle are just outside the city." They Cry out.

"Shit! Everyone, prepare for BATTLE!!!" Yelled King Harvey.

"Wizards!!! You have permission to use your full power, no matter if it affects the city!!! Understand!!!" Cry's out Master Harry.

Then every hunter was yelling at each other to spread the voice around the entire city to prepare for battle and every wizard was doing the same and telling each other too that they have permission to use their full power, no matter if it affects the city.

Back with Blackmir, she was in the center of an empty big room that is exactly in the center of the castle and she wasn't expecting a spell barrier on the city that prevented creatures and castles to teleport inside the city.

"SHIT!!! That damn Harry!!" Cry's out Blackmir.

Then Dracula approach to her very mad.

"Blackmir!! What happened!? I thought you said that we would land at the center of the city with my castle and army!!"

"We should have! But I didn't count that Harry Gold put a spell barrier on the city that prevent anything or anyone to teleport inside the city, maybe he put it after Blackwood attacked the castle and failed. Maybe they thought that we will try something like that again."

Then Dracula with much rage yells Jack's name and his eyes turn red and his hands in deadly claws.


Then Jack Blackwood arrived were Dracula and Blackmir were.

"Yes, my Lord!?" Jack replied.

"Because of your bloody pried they were expecting us again and because you failed and murder a quarter of my army, we are at a big disadvantage here!!" Said Dracula resisting the temptation of killing him.

Then Dracula calms down.

"But right now, we can't be fighting each other, we needed to focus on the thread that is ahead of us."

Blackmir speaks to Dracula and makes an evil smile.

"My Lord! Maybe we are not at a disadvantage at all!" Said Blackmir with a malicious smile.

"What do you mean!?" Said Dracula confused.

"I have an idea. I can use my power to summon some great creatures that it will fight along our side."

"What creatures!?" Jack BlackWood Asked.

Then Blackmir turns around and look at both of them smiling and with much enthusiasm and pried answers Jacks question.

"The Drakos!!!!"

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