Chapter 53

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John and his group of warriors were fighting their way throw the battlefield to get to Wilfred.

"Come boys!! We need to get to Wilfred!"

"Easy to say John, but in case you haven't noticed we are trying to fight our way throw these fucking humans and werewolves too!" Said Jack killing a Velmont hunter with his sword.

A witch pushed John's group of warriors back with a spell and throws a lightning spell to hurt them.

"Aaaahhhhh!!!" Yelled in pain John's squad.

The werewolves came in to finish the job and start slaughtering John's group of warriors.

"Dammit!! We can't keep aiming to get to Wilfred, he is fucking heavily guarded." Pointed out Jack fighting a werewolf.

"We have to Jack. Dracula demands it." Said John bravely.

They finally killed the werewolves that were trying to kill them and BlackWood with his speed cut the head off the witch.

"Bloody witch. I hate witches." Said Jack with his face covered in blood.

John's group of warriors got a heavy hit and lost many good warriors and now they are only five of them in total, counting John and Jack in the group.

Wait! Where are the rest of the team?" Said Jack.

A vampire that was close to John speaks.

"We were the only ones that survived that attack."

"Huh, isn't that perfect John. We are now only five in total and you want us to go and get Wilfred's head. It seems it's getting easier this suicide mission, isn't John?" Sarcastically said, Jack.

Then a bolt of lightning hits on the center where they were standing and the lightning bounces, hitting all of them and pushing them backward.

"Aaaahhh!!" Yelled in pain the five of them.

A werewolf grabs Jack from the feet and drags him away from the group. Jack was trying to fight the werewolf with his sword and claws. Then the werewolf from one bite ripped off the left arm of Jack, leaving him in a lot of pain and at a great disadvantage.

"Aaaahhh!! Yells Jack in pain of losing his left arm.

"Jack!!" Cried out John worried that he might die.

John runs towards the werewolf that has Jack but before he could get there another werewolf attacks John by hitting him with his deadly claws in John's chest and face, leaving him with a great wound. Then the werewolf grabs John's neck and speaks to him.

"How is it going, John?"

John immediately recognizes who was he.


"That's it, John, it's me. You are not getting near my brother or my father."

The rest of John's squad tries to help John and Jack, but the other werewolves murder them without mercy and in very painful ways.

"Klaus! Kill him already."

"With pleasure," Klaus replied.

"No, wait!! Don't do it!! Jack!!!" Yelled John.

Klaus starts opening his mouth to eat Jack's head but before he could eat his head a big roar was heard in all of the battlefields.

King Harvey knew what that big roar meant.

"Harry! Finally, you came, my friend."

It was The Blue Dragon coming outside the dark clouds. Everyone stopped and watched The Blue Dragon coming out of a dark cloud and three big black spheres made of black smoke were coming out of the black cloud too and also five big white spheres made of white smoke were coming out and they were falling like comets from the sky. Then many Bolts of Lightning were hitting the ground getting rid of only the vampires, werewolves and witches. The Blue Dragon helps his other dragon friend to stand up and gets rid of the Drakos that were killing him, fortunately for The Red Dragon, his injuries weren't deadly and he could still fight, so the two Dragons went into the sky to destroy all The Drakos left, some of the lightning help The Phoenix to take off the vampires and witches that were trying to kill him. The Phoenix stands up and went into the sky to help his other friends to destroy the Drakos. Finally, those black and white big spheres fell into the ground and they all saw who were they. King Harvey was very happy to see his son and his friends still alive, so he yells with pride and tells everyone to keep fighting.

"Yeah!! Fight for The Velmont and Merlin's Family and for mankind!!"

And every single Velmont Hunter and Wizard yell with pride and Hope.

Master Harry repeats what King Harvey said with pride and launched another lightning spell.

"For mankind!!"

That lightning spell hit multiple targets and hits Ethan and Klaus getting them pushed backward. John saw the opportunity and goes and help Jack, who is trying to get up and get out of there, but Ethan and Klaus wouldn't let their prey go away that easily, so they went to attack them.

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