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The searing touch of the noonday sun beat down on the bare skin of Anne's neck

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The searing touch of the noonday sun beat down on the bare skin of Anne's neck. Quickly, she pulled her shawl up over her head, hoping to evade the glittering rays of light that bounced off the pavement in front of her.

Keeping her head low and her gaze averted, Anne was able to avoid running into any trouble as she nimbly slipped through the crowded streets of the city.

Upon turning down a series of alleys, Anne stumbled upon the poorer section of town where she was relieved to be able to breath again.

Hurrying along the cobblestone path, she strode towards the barber shop where W.D and Deng Yan promised to meet her.

As she came into sight of the rickety old shack, swarming with moustached men and suited lads, Anne's eyes fell upon the huddled forms of her brother and best friend.

W.D was lazing against the iron railing that wound its way around the shop with both arms outstretched before him. Deng Yan's lips were parted in a laugh and her dark eyes were sparkling with merriment as she gazed adoringly up at her companion.

Anne frowned and quickened her steps. What was going on with the two of them?

"Deng! W.D!" she called out. "Are you ready to go?"

Deng Yan's head snapped back and she instinctively backed away from W.D who hurriedly straightened up and sent his sister a large, nervous smile.

"Yup. We sure are," he chuckled as he held out one hand to each of the girls. "Let's go, shall we?"

As the three of them pushed their way through the town square that was crowded with people from all parts of the city, Anne gripped her brother's arm tightly, glad for his protective presence.

Her dark, chocolate-coloured orbs bounced around the perimeter only to meet the creepy stares of the grubby street urchins, the degrading glares of the wealthy, upper-class women and the disgusted looks of the tailored, moustached men who carried spectacles and canes.

Swallowing hard, Anne pressed closer to W.D as they came to a halt in front of the town stand, upon which stood a man. He sported a head of soft, dark brown curls that were slowly turning grey at the tips. The skin beneath his eyes contained lines of worry and wrinkles of age but his confident demeanour and his excited gaze told Anne that he was a goodly man, a kind man, a man with a dream.

Waving at everyone, the man spoke up and introduced himself, "Hello. I'm glad that you could all be here today. It is an honour to have your attention and be able to speak to you for a short while. Ahem. My name is Phineas Barnum. Unlike most of you, I didn't grow up with wealth and privilege. I was just a lad when I was orphaned at the age of eleven and forced to fend for myself on the streets. Now I know I don't come from much, I've been told that my entire life, but me and my wife and my two daughters would love to see you all at the opening day of our new museum in a few weeks time. There'll be different acts from all around the world including dancing and singing and displays of all sorts. We'll have posters and flyers up in the next couple of days. Also, if you're interested in joining the performers, registrations are open over at the front box next to the doors. Today's the last available day for sign-ups so please come, enjoy yourselves, bring refreshments, mingle, make merry and have fun. I hope to see you all there!"

As Barnum left the stand, he was met with a mixture of cheers and boos.

"Well, that was ... interesting," W.D let out a chortled laugh. "What a weirdo."

"I don't think he's a weirdo," Deng Yan corrected him. "I think he's a man with a dream. It's applaudable."

"For a lunatic, yes," W.D scoffed and shook his head. "C'mon, Anne, let's go. What a waste of time this was."

In reply, Anne withdrew her arm from her brother's.

"What are you doing?" he demanded, surprised.

"I - I have to take care of something," she stuttered. "I won't be long - just a few minutes."

W.D furrowed his brow in suspicion but, as he was opening his mouth to rebuff her, Deng Yan quickly took his attention. "Walk me home, will you?" she queried. "I have to whip up some dinner for my younger siblings. They'll be howling with hunger by now."

W.D nodded and complied, giving Anne time to slip away unnoticed.

Pushing against the general flow of bodies, she made her way to the entrance of the museum that cast an enlightening shadow over the town square. Slowly, Anne stepped over to the box indicated by Barnum earlier and retrieved one of the forms that were stacked there.

As her eyes skimmed across the page, a low, gentle voice sounded from right beside her, making her jump: "You're interested?"

Anne spun around to come face-to-face with Barnum himself. Wordlessly, she took in his simple but neat appearance and nodded.

Smiling understandingly, Barnum motioned to the door. "Would you like to come in? We can discuss further topics out of the way of this burning sun."

"O-okay," Anne squeaked.

Following Barnum's lead, Anne walked into a large, airy building. It was alight with beams of outside light that had escaped through a row of tiny windows mounted along the wall. It was also dusky from the mountains of dust flitting over the variety of ornaments and displays scattered across the floor.

Anne couldn't help but gape at her surroundings. The place was almost three times as big as the local gymnasium!

"Come, come, sit down," Barnum offered her a chair as he slipped behind his polished oak desk that had been set up in a corner of the room. Taking a pen out of the front pocket of his shirt, he clicked it open and glanced questioningly at Anne. "So, if you were to take a part in my show, what act would you be willing to perform for an audience?"

Anne hesitated. "Well...I - I do gymnastics and - and trapeze."

"Trapeze?" Barnum's eyebrows flew upwards in delight. Scribbling furiously away on a piece of paper, he murmured, "Trapeze. This is perfect. Brilliant! When can you start? We have rehearsals of course and a number of practice sessions in between shows but you'll get paid a good amount per performance and..."

"Mr Barnum!" a youthful voice called out from behind them.

Both Anne and Barnum turned around to face the speaker. The area was very murky and Anne's eyes had not yet adjusted to the darkness of the room. Squinting, she watched as the form of a boy protruded from within the shadows as he approached them.

"Ah, Bec, there you are!" Barnum stood up and reached out a welcoming hand. "Please, please, let me introduce you to our newest member ... um ..."

"Anne Wheeler," she offered with the slightest of smiles. "And, Mr Barnum, I haven't agreed to..."

"Anne Wheeler!" Barnum spoke over the top of her, his tone bursting with gusto. "Anne, meet my assistant, Bec Ivans."

Swallowing, Anne glanced over at the boy in question.

He was tall, although not relatively so. He had a sharp jawline, a muscular build and eyes the colour of darkened hazel-wood.

There was not a doubt in Anne's mind. He was the epitome of good-looking.

A smirk twisted its way around Bec's mouth as he held out a calloused hand and said, in a low, ear-catching tone, "It's very nice to meet you...Anne Wheeler."

Gif: Bec as he is introduced to Anne.

Question of the update: If you were in Anne's shoes, would you be interested in joining the Barnum Show and why?


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