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~Semira's POV~

"I don't know if I can spend two more months here without you guys," I say to my sisters on FaceTime.

"Awww we miss you too," Jay says.

"SO IS DANIEL THERE??" Izzy asks for the 5th time today.

"Not at the mom-" I laugh but am cut off by the boys coming back screaming my name. (<<dont be nasty 😂)

"SEMIRA!" I hear Jack say.

"WE HAVE FRICKIN FOOD!" Corbyn laughs.

"Ok I guess they are here now so would you finally like to talk to your bae?" I ask my sister and i turn down my volume preparing for the scream.

As I predicted I see her mouth fly open in an act of excitement. I chuckle and turn the volume back up when I see her die down.

I bring myself and my phone downstairs and Zach is the first one to see I am on FT with someone.

"Ooo you on with a boyfriend?" he asks laughing.

I laugh and look up to see Jonah looking at me. Again. What the heck?

"Sisters," I say and Jonah looks away without another glance. "Dani? Could you talk to my sis Izzy?"

I hear her squeal and I wink to Dani letting him know it was the one with a huge crush. He walks into the living room with my phone and I sit on a bar stool at the island.

"What did ya get me?" I ask peering into the bags of Five Guys burgers.

"We got you," Corbyn starts looking at the receipt but is cut off by Jonah rambling off my order like nothing. He looks directly at me when he says my order and I am in shock.

Corbyn looks triggered and I start laughing at his facial expression. "You trying to steal my best friend Marais?"

Jonah shrugs and walks upstairs into his room with his food.

"Why couldn't he eat with us?" I ask.

"He should. Wanna get him?" Jack asks referring to me.

"Why do I-" 

Corbyn gives me the stare. He knew about our tension. Jonah and I's. Great. Can't wait for that talk.

I tell my food I will be right back starting a laugh with Zach, Jack, Corbyn, and myself as I drag myself upstairs into Jonah's bedroom.

"Dude-" I start but am sad with emotion at what I see.

An even more sad Jonah Marais. I walk closer to him. I sit on his bed and he doesn't move to give me space to sit comfortably.

I look at him and lift his chin up asking him through our eye contact what was wrong. He doesn't answer me so I say what I have to.

"Jonah, stop being so sheilded! I get it. You're a man and want to act like one. But there is a difference between a boy and man. You're probably thinking duh. But you won't guess what the difference is. Emotions. Yeah emotions are the difference I am talking about."

I continue after a breathe. "Everyone has emotions. Me, Corbyn, even you which can be surprising. It shouldn't be suprising. That is how shielded you are. A boy shows his emotions. That is how he becomes a man. Owning up to the emotions keeps you the man you are. Obviously you have lost that. That makes me so disappointed. Yeah we hate each other but guess what...those guys downstairs are my family. And to them you are family. So cut the shit."

I storm out of the room relieved. I didn't know I could give lectures like that. Intriguing.

I walk down the stairs by myself and the boys give me questioning looks as to why Jonah hadn't walk down with me and I shrug not ready to tell them what happened.

I sit down and enjoy my food. The boys all gather around as well and Dani comes back in with my phone and I say bye to my sisters and spend time with the boys.

I was happy. Actually happy. There was no denying it.

We were happy. The boys and I. Except it did feel empty without Jonah's dumbass. I never expected to feel the way I do. I can't feel the way I do. Especially with the confirmation he gave me at the mall. We hate each other.

I still don't want to believe it but I read people. There was such truth in those words that I had no choice but to believe it.

He said we hate each other. I honestly wonder why.

~Jonah's POV~

She isn't right. Becuase she is actually that low. Gold-

~Semira's POV~

And that was final.

GoldDigger//Jonah Marais ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now