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~Semira's POV~

Why was I sweating this much?

It was just a dream.

A dream about the man that slept a couple feet from tonight.

I feel my head and rub my eyes to find dried tears. I'm not going to wake up like this in the few hours that I would get up to see finally see my other parts. My sisters.

I creep into the bathroom and pray Jonah didn't wake up. I'm pretty sure the guys are recording something tomorrow.

I look at myself. A complete mess. The thing that bothers me the most about my random tears is that, the dream was my dream.

I wish I could've lasted in that dream forever.

"I'm so happy we are here," I mumble into Jonah's chest.

"You have no idea how much I feel the same princess," he kisses my forehead.

"It took us so long to come to terms on our relationship and I finally got to tell the world you're mine, now I have everything," I sigh content.

He takes my face in his hands and places his soft lips on mine. The kiss was unbelievable. I never felt the way I did now about Jonah.

He sent shivers down my spine whenever he touched me.

Anytime he stared into my eyes I fell harder and harder for him.

He was mine-

Except he wasn't mine. That was a cheesy ass dream. I can't deny though that that was what I wanted so badly. I craved him to want me like I wanted him. (<<if that even sounds slightly familiar god bless u ; come to brazil)

I placed my hands on the sink counter in the bathroom by myself until I hear footsteps. Dammit. I woke up Jonah, the Jonah that needs all the rest he can get.

He knocks on the door of our shared hotel bathroom. I don't answer to his knock so he enters slowly.

"Hey," he whispers on his raspy voice.

He kills me.

"Hey," I nod towards him. "Sorry for waking you, you should really get some sleep."

"Nah you're all good, I wasn't having the best dream," he chuckles quietly.

I laugh to myself because I woke up from the best dream. I shrugged my shoulders as i tried to hold in a little sarcastic snicker.

"What?" he smiles.


"Mira, let me in on this, I wanna know" he begs.

When I don't answer that's when he seems to notice something.

"Your eyes are pretty puffy, where you crying?" he suggests.

I look into the mirror and put my head down. Closing my eyes for a second I feel hands hold each side of my hips and lean against me. Jonah rested his head on my shoulder. We both ended up looking into the mirror at ourselves and each other.

"I've missed this," Jonah breathes down my neck.

More shivers.

That was exactly something I needed to hear, "So have I, way more than you know."

I whip around only to get closer to him and wrap my arms around his neck in a quick hug.

"You never answered my question, were you crying?" Jonah questions me again.

I shrug not wanting to talk about the pathetic dream when I had all I needed in these quick moments.

Jonah lets his hands go from my waist. I decided I wasn't going to sleep in my bed tonight.

I head out of the bathroom quietly and when I look back Jonah still hasn't left it. I continue on to the secluded part of the room and sit upright on the couch.

I stay like that for a little while and start to fall back asleep without Jonah near me. When I feel a presence in the room I assume its Jonah so I stay in my comfortable position. This leads me to a deep sleep.

~Corbyn's POV~

I knocked on Semira and Jonah's hotel room door curious to how the two have been "getting along". I know Tyler's method for them worked last time, but I don't think now was the time to push the two towards each other again.

They have one hell of a complicated relationship. Semira was always so social and knew the kind of relationship she wanted with a person making everything with her simple. This was totally different, except neither of us two knew what was so separate.

I don't get any answer until I started opening the door and Jonah rushed to the door.

"Woah," I say aloud surprised he answered so suddenly.

"Sorry dude if I scared you," Jonah whispered, "Semira just fell asleep."

"Oh," I nod understanding the situation better from what I first thought was happening.

"Why are you up so late?" I wonder as Jonah leads me to where the beds are, because Semira must've been asleep in the other room.

"Semira got up, and I heard some commotion, so that woke me up," he answers relaxed.

I nod when he hits me with the same question, "What about you?"

"I wanted to check and see if you guys hadn't killed each other yet," I lie.

"I see," he quietly chuckles. "Actually, for some reason these hotel methods always work, stupid Tyler."

"Really, you're not pissed anymore?"

"I was never pissed except for the initial night she said what she did. I guess, after Tate and past short relationships it was hard for me to trust in someone if they didn't want what I wanted at the same time."

Jonah stops his sentence so I add in, "Well I think we all know Semira has just as much trust issues as you do."

"I know that now, but I never seemed to consider it while I was hurting, until tonight. It was kind of like a game changer, you could say." he states almost regretfully.

"I'm glad," I smile hiding the reason I actually came, which was to talk to Semira about the reason I was really up. "Now I just have to get her to forgive me."

"You guys aren't on good terms?"

"Ever since you two started going at each other, we haven't been the same."

"Well is it you or Semira causing the distance?" I was asked.

"A little bit of both is what I'm trying to believe."

Jonah nods in his understanding old dad ways. I get up and stretched for a quick second before I announce that I'm getting sleep and he should too. Jonah seconds my opinion on that.

As I walk from the room I felt that my problem could be put aside for the better. Even though it slightly pained me.

I'm on a role w pre-writing my chapters mwhahaha

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