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~Semira's POV~

The tension in Jonah and I's room had me so uncomfortable to the point where I stayed in the hotel lobby stuck reading until 3am at the latest I've decided. 

Ever read the definition of awkwardness. If you haven't no need to because I could just easily describe Jonah and I's current relationship.

While sitting in the lobby all night after the show I haven't seen any of the guys come down so I figured they were all asleep. I wasn't mad about that though. Even though I love them all no matter the amount of tension that occurs now, everyone can use time to think alone.

But life always brings conflict to me so I can't be content forever. Jonah step out of the elevator on the phone. He looked confused and almost pained.

"What do you mean-," he stops talking when he sees me uncross my legs in the lobby chair and stare at him taking his call.

He turns his back to me and walks to the corner of the lobby's main section while I wonder whether or not I should interrupt his call or just go over to him.  He looked unbelievably upset or just perpetually confused.

I decided to be my asshole self and see what was occurring. I tap his shoulder right when he was in the process of hanging up the phone.

"Everything alright?" I genuinely ask.

"Everything is just great," Jonah snips.

He walks away from me and I assumed he was going to go back to our room. It was 2am so I wasn't going to blame him even though I knew he would've even if it wasn't, just because he's totally done with me. I planned on chasing after him because I want to somewhat resolve things, however he sits down in my previous seat and puts his head in his hands.

I slowly walk over since I don't see him going anywhere at the moment. I sit on the edge of the coffee table sitting right in front of the comfy seat Jonah now sat in.

Me and Jonah haven't been this close, physically, since we had our larger disagreement. I don't want to call it a fight because I want to believe we still love each other the same amount as we always did. If he did even love me.

"My uncle has cancer," he mumbled.

I usually never catch what people say if they don't shout it out, yet Jonah's words had meaning and he meant something to me. I process what he just told me. I know those kind of times.

My grandma had cancer when i was pretty young. At first I was confused, the way jonah seemed when first receiving the news. Now that I think about it along with my parents deaths i can't face it. So I don't, but you could've guessed that by now.

"Science with Carr is terrible," Corbyn rolls his eyes.

"It's Mr. Carr, but I agree," I shake my head.

Ashley walks by raising her hand and yelling yes as she walks up to her room with a bowl of pineapple. Corbyn and I laugh at her sudden input on our conversation about our dreaded school teachers.

"Anyway, how is the fam?" Corbyn asks interested.

That's why he is my favorite. He actually cares. You don't get that from many people. No girls at our age could honestly offer to be as good of a friend as Corbyn Besson. I'm lucky.

"I'm lucky," I repeat to Corbyn with zero hesitation.

"You bet your ass you are," he laughs.

"But besides that, the fam-" I'm cut off by the ringing of my cell phone.

Corbyn and I look at each other shocked.

GoldDigger//Jonah Marais ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now