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~Semira's POV~

I step off the airplane with the boys shortly following and head to baggage claim. I get there and look for my bags when someone steps in front of me rudely to grab their bags.

Almost causing me to fall I begin to shout when I realize it was only Sebastian. I shrug it off and when he sees that I am the girl that was about to rip his head off he laughs.

"We keep meeting like this huh?"

"I guess so," I chuckle. "Gotta be more careful."

"Yes ma'am," he salutes me and as he is about to go I make a bold move.

"Could I possibly have your number? For photography advice if you buy that excuse."

"Depends," he jokes, "since I am a pretty occupied man. I think I could fit you in my schedule. Why not?"

I shake my head as he hands me his phone so I can enter my contact. I smirk as I put in the name of myself that he will see appear when we talk. I hand him his phone and walk sway grabbing my luggage in the process.

I can't believe I just did that.

~Jonah's POV~

"Look at her," I try and assure the guys, "that is straight harassment. We should be stopping this."

"Jonah," Zach tries holding back a laugh, "she already went all King Kong on you for being jealous earlier so if I were you I wouldn't poke the bear."

"Woah woah woah," I stop them. "Who said I was jealous?!?!"

"Ummm...every person that says you like her," Jack states like it's super obvious.

"And who says that?!??" I ask even more bewildered.

"C'mon man," Corbyn says giving me the sign to stop playing around.

"I never-"

"Zip," Daniel shushes me. "The flirt is coming this way."

I look up to see Semira headed towards us with a large grin across her face. She looks a little too happy from just grabbing her bags.

"Guess who just got hot British guy's number?" she asks giddy. "Me that's who!"

"Nice to hear you squeal over a dude again," Corbyn chuckles.

"Oh shut up," she slaps him lightly and meets my gaze.

The stare lingers quite a while as well if I do say so myself. She looks away though trying her hardest to ignore me. How she normally does. I notice things like this.

~Semira's POV~

We all head to the famous tour bus that the guys and myself will be crammed in for the next months.

I enter the bus first and am officially stunned. This wasn't just a bus it was luxury. Honestly I get way too excited for stuff like this but damn. I am on my baby!

The boys run in quickly behind me. I stumble and laugh at their excitement.

"I CALL TOP BUNK!" Zach shouts.

I chuckle and walk in the slightly narrow hall looking at the bunks. I count them.


Phew. For a second I actually thought there wouldn't be enough.

That is when a body I wasn't expecting got on the bus.

"Tyler," Daniel shouts and hugs his brother that I have heard great things about.

"Hey dudes," he laughs not noticing me giving a group hug to the boys.

He looks up as he is about to walk past me. He does a double take. That makes me giggle.

"Hold up," he says. "So this is our new opener? You're um...hold on I have it in the back of my head."

I laugh waiting for my name to come from his lips and how I came about so quickly.

"Got it!" A lightbulb went off in his head and it was obvious. "You're Semira Vincent! Jonah's girl!"

Jonah eyes widen and I slightly see a color of rose pop onto his cheeks. All the boys burst out laughing. I quickly reassure Tyler that he was very incorrect.

I would never be Jonah's 'girl'. He had no feelings like that for me and he made that very clear.

As Tyler and the boys settle in I think for a minute. There are six bunks. That right there, with the guys and Tyler, is six people. Where the hell am I supposed to go?

"Uh Tyler," I ask faking a laugh, "where am I sleeping exactly."

"Oh yeah," he scratches the back of his neck, "David didn't tell you apparently. Well, we will be in hotels go the most part so this really isn't the biggest deal, but you have to sleep on the couch in the back."

"You're serious?" I smile sarcastically.

He nods secretly saying he is sorry. J take a deep breath and look in the back to see how large this couch was.

I sigh in relief seeing that it is decently sized for my body. It is L-shaped as well making the process of me mentally flipping out easier.


"Ha!" I shout is victory.

"How do you always beat me!" Daniel questions in agony.

"That's just the way I roll. That is also a pretty set in stone reason I am Corbyn's best friend. He can never beat me in any video game." I laugh.

I stand up and head to the back to get a soda. I hear a toilet flush and Jonah walks out of the bathroom. He stands behind me and bends down so I could feel his breath on me.

"Could you hand me a water?" he asks standing back to his normal height.


"Thanks," he says when I hand him his beverage and we both stand there sipping down our drinks.

"So..." I try and make conversation since I didn't feel like video games anymore and I wasn't go back out with the boys and Jonah didn't seem like he was either.

He furrows his eyebrows. I roll my eyes. He can never just be normal.

"Well it sucks that you have to sleep back here."

"You're kidding, correct?" I ask. "This is really the conversation you want to start?"

He shrugs.

"I can't stand you oh my fuckin god," I breathe. "I am over here last minute to help your tour just so I can support my family, which I barely have any left of, and you decided to shit on me every time you see me. I am so tired of your attitude. What the actual heck?!"

He scoffs at me.

"Do you have a problem?" I question anger boiling inside me.

"Yeah actually," he says, "why are you so needy and selfish and why are you using us and Corbyn for your problems?"

"What just came out of your dumb arrogant mouth Jonah Marais?"

"You heard me loud and clear princess," he smirks feeling accomplished.

I throw my hand in his face and he catches my wrist. He winks and walks away rolling his eyes in the process.

I can't deal with him. Yet somehow he has me feeling some type of way I don't understand.


Sry I haven't updated but I like to be ahead with my chapters and I haven't had any motivation to write but I thought I should publish this anyway! ❤

GoldDigger//Jonah Marais ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now