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A day before Yukimura left for the Wimbledon's Junior he went out on a date with Jasmine.

"So. Where are we going Seiichi?" Jasmine asked as she and Yukimura are walking around the commercial district.

"Somewhere." Yukimura said smiling to Jasmine who only pouted. "Don't try to be cute I won't tell no matter how cute you look like."

"I'm not trying to be cute." Jasmine said.

Jasmine and Yukimura continue to walk around until they were in front of an Ocean Park.

Jasmine's eyes widen when she realize where they are.

"Were going to see nemo?" Jasmine asked her eyes shining and looking hopefully to Yukimura who only smile and nodded.

Jasmine excitedly wrap her arms around Yukimura's left arm as they walk to the entrance. Yukimura then give the ticket to the guard.

Jasmine like a kid high in sugar which make Yukimura smile is pointing everywhere. Yukimura look at the map in his hand which contain their itinerary for the day and lead Jasmine where to go.

 Yukimura look at the map in his hand which contain their itinerary for the day and lead Jasmine where to go

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Jasmine and Yukimura enjoyed their day out together. Little did Jasmine know Yukimura prepared something special for dinner.

"Are we going home now?" Jasmine asked as she and Yukimura is walking but Jasmine notice they were on their way to Yukimura's house.

"We'll have dinner first."

When they arrive at the front doors of Yukimura's residence. "You have to put this on."

Yukimura then handed Jasmine a blind fold. "I've prepared something."

"You're really something else." Jasmine said as Yukimura started to walk slowly in order to assist her to make sure she won't trip or fall.

"Wait here." Yukimura said as he walk away and then walk towards the table and stand next to it. "You can now remove your blind fold.

Jasmine remove the blind fold and she opens her eyes she was left speechless. Yukimura's back garden is filled with her favorite flower lavander. Yukimura is standing on a well-lit gazebo with twinkling lights and vines crawling on it's four poster.

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