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Yukimura is now back in Japan right after winning the Wimbledon Junior Tournament. However, upon his return Yukimura noticed the change on Jasmine. 

Now that the Winter break is starting Yukimura is worried about his girlfriend.

Two days after his return Yukimura was invited by Jasmine's grandfather to eat dinner with the family on the weekend and now Yukimura is standing in front of the patriarch of the family.

"Congratulations on winning your tournament. Jasmine mentioned about it." Taira Yoshiyo said but his face doesn't give way any emotion.

"Thank you sir." Yukimura asked he is a little nervous but he told himself this is nothing that will faze him.

This is one of the things that Yoshiyo approved about Yukimura Seiichi his composure and he never rattles in front of him. He also has good physical appearance a little too feminine but his aura is strong enough to battles his. 

Yoshiyo can still remember the day the boy came to their house right after he arrived from the World cup and declare that he is in love with Jasmine. He somehow admires this boys courage. He deserve her precious granddaughter.

"This is a present for you for winning the tournament and taking care of my granddaughter." Yoshiyo said as he handed Yukimura a priceless box covered with enamel with gold lock. Yukimura took it and open the said present.

Yukimura is speechless to see a rare white imperial jade bangle bracelet.

"It is originally a pair. I gave the other one to Jasmine." Yoshiyo said as this is his way of giving his approval to Yukimura, the only man in existence to ever gain his thumb of approval. "I hope you won't hurt my granddaughter or else you know what will happen to you boy right?"

Yukimura nodded and thank the Oji-san for his priceless present. "Let us go now. Jasmine is probably looking for you. Dinner is about to be served."

Yoshiyo walked ahead out of his room followed by Yukimura.

The dinner with Jasmine's family comprises of her grandparents, her parents, her aunt and uncle with Yanagi and Sonomi. The dinner is somewhat pleasant with Jasmine and Sonomi trying to make the atmosphere light. After dinner Yukimura and Jasmine decided to walked at the garden going to Jasmine's grandfather's study.

"I'm sorry for that. Oji-san never really approve of Papa and Uncle. He always think that my mother and auntie deserve someone better." Jasmine said as they sit on the stone near the frozen pond.

"Your grandfather never really gave his approval?" Yukimura asked curiously. Although he already had a hint that it's a definite fact with how tense the gentleman in the room is. It is pretty obvious.

"Aunt Tomoyo, she was set to marry the heir of the Atobe's that time she was only 18." Jasmine said as she remember her mother telling her the story.

"Atobe Keigo's father?" Yukimura asked a little shocked with this information.

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