chapter 6

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The unfortunate thing about being me is that I don't fade from sleep into alertness, not anymore. When I wake up it's like a switch has been flipped and the light is on; instantaneous and glaring. So when my eyes snap open my brain is already buzzing and I figure out what had happened.

Recovery girl saw my body, freaked out, called people and they are now waiting for me to wake up. Stay still. Don't alert anyone you are's late at night. No one will be here! You can be calm.

Stretching and yawning I sit up and inspect my injuries, nothing too major, Recovery Girl did her job.

Okay now that's over with, I need to come up with a good cover story.

'I can say that I was abused as a kid by my foster parents and that the tattoos are there to cover up some of the scars...hmmm no too cliché.'

'I was in an accident: collapsed building, fire, chemicals and I got tattoos as a way to cover up/ hide them as I was obviously self conscious. Yes that might work as collapsing buildings are very common in the Mertsuana township. Then I can link some of the newer bruises and scars to extreme training, I'm sure they have seen worse, Quirk overuse and possibly bullies...'

Alright a pretty solid story and if they ask for details about the building accident I can blame it all on trauma induced amnesia and that I personally don't want to remember anything about the traumatic incident. If they ask for medical records I can say my foster parent should have them but I doubt that they have kept them.

So, I've dealt with the whole looks situation. Now how am I going to explain my brutal way of fighting without revealing anything. Everyone must have been so scared, maybe I can use that, I could do some memory alterations with All For One's special equipment (doubt he'd lend it to me though) or maybe I could ask one of the underlings. I'm sure one of them had a memory altering Quirk of some degree.

That's plan A but if that doesn't work, plan B will have to be me explaining in a way that is believable but also shows me as a victim. As I won't be able to instigate plan A right at this moment plan B will need to work...

How about I say it was a result of one of my foster parent's Quirks? They might have had a Quirk like changing a person's mindset or something or permanent brainwashing!
No, then the Heroes would search for information and look them up and possibly bring them in for questioning. After all Quirks like that are extremely rare.

Maybe hypnosis? Yes that could work, I could say that one of the people at an idiotic foster home I was sent to hypnotized me and made me react to a buzzer. A little far fetched but it'll have to do.

"Or," A voice echoed from the corner of the room, "you could pretend that you have no idea what they're talking about." I jump to my feet despite my body's protests and see my dad lounging in one of the uncomfortable clinic chairs.

"That-that could work." I mutter, an embarrassed blush creeping up my neck.

"I hope that your actual foster parents weren't that terrible." He comments idly after a few moments of silence.

I had been muttering again! I really need to curb that habit.

"Yes and no. There were good days and bad days, more of the latter t-though." I looked down at the floor in disgust and shame as I took a trip down memory lane.

"And you told no one?" He asked, his voice stiff from the cold anger that seeped into his tone and body language, if it was at himself or the world was anyone's guess.

Gritting my teeth I growled out, "Oh I did tell people. But who would believe a useless, misfit 'Villain child'? No one." My blood was boiling as I recalled the times when I cried out for help yet no one came. I was broken down and bullied but no one would lift a finger because I was Quirkless and to the few who knew, a Villain's kid.

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