chapter 8

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I sat alone at the back of the bus, just how I wanted it, but then Tsuyu Asui came and sat in the seat in front of me and started to talk. Ruining my hopes of having a peaceful bus ride.

“Where did you learn to fight like that?” Asui asks.

“Well you see Asui-” I begin.

“Call me Tsu, Midoriya-kun.”

Okay...thats not weird at all. (Taste the sarcasm.)

"Sure thing Tsu-chan.", she blushed at her new nickname, "You see when I was a kid I went to martial art classes and mimicked the moves Heroes and famous fighters used. O-once I had them down I would incorporate them into my own fighting style.” I fluently lied, I'd never seen the inside of a proper dojo once in my life! The streets were my teacher.

“That's so manly...but that still doesn't explain how you managed to beat Bakubro. He is a difficult opponent and very ruthless. “ Kirishima asked. When did he get there?

Wait...defeat him! thought the memories had been changed to me losing. Damn now this will give me even more unwanted attention.

“It was very close though Kirishima. Deku only managed to defeat him because Bakugo collapsed first from pure exhaustion but then a minute later Deku collapsed due to his severe wounds since he was on the defensive the whole time.” Uraraka chimes in like the annoying thing she is.

“Anyway, to answer y-your question Kirishima, Kacchan and I are childhood f-friends, we spent most of our lives together, lived in the same building, went to the same schools...." I chuckled nervously.

"So I've watched him f-fight ever since we were little, I know how he fights and because of that I could counter his moves. Even after all these years he hasn't changed. Much." I gave them  a weak smile-it was tiring keeping up this happy, carefree façade. They; however, interpreted it as me being sad and in pain about something that had happened in my past. A broken friendship perhaps? Or something else...

“But I think it was mainly dumb luck.” I quickly added, as if I was trying to preserve Bakugo's superior image, with a sheepish grin on my face.

Kirishima left with a sour expression on his face and sat back down next to Bakugo. He said he was going to question Bakugo, to see if what I said was true and find out some other things. But I personally think he's going to interrogate Bakugo about me and what happened with him and I. Jealousy what a sneaky emotion it is.

“What is exactly is your Quirk Deku.” Uraraka is seriously starting to grate on my nerves with all her questions and her blinding smile.

“It's an emitter--type Quirk. It enhances my speed, reflexes and strength with raw energy but if I power up too much then I'll break my bones and tear my muscles. So if I push myself too much I'll break, literally.” I inform her, the nerdy side of myself shining through (one thing I don't need fake), hoping that it would shut her up. It didn't.

“That's so cool! You have such an amazing Quirk. You are going to be a great Hero.” Uraraka squealed with stars in her eyes while a large pink blush spread across her face.

“I agree, you have a powerful quirk, a friendly attitude, good looks to and you're kind and helpful.” Asui says while listing my 'qualities' on her fingers. Her ears were turning red, from competitive jealousy or a regular blush I did not know.

“Almost like Bakugo. Except the attitude part, and he looks scary most of the time.” Uraraka chuckles. As soon as she says that a heated argument breaks out, courtesy of Mr. Explody himself, but I wasn't paying any attention.

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