Chapter two: Criminal Intent

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The day after the bank robbery had seemingly turned out okay. It was as if everyone had just forgotten the tantalizing news of a lone masked gunman waltzing into their bank and casually walking away with all its money like it was nothing. The only thing Jake could make note of, however, was the ample amount of police stationed around the more important buildings in the city.

As he drove past the bank on his way to the airport, he saw several GenSec vehicles parked in the front lot. Guess they're finally stepping up security, he thought.

Upon reaching his destination, Jake thought one last time if he should really be going through with this. With having no other option; he sucked it up and walked through the gates. I'm getting myself into some really deep shit and there's no turning back.

Boarding the plane, Jake put his bag in the overhead compartment and sat down by the window. This may be the dumbest thing I've ever gotten myself into, but there is no denying that I'm desperate for the money. Before the thought of leaving had assaulted him, the captain spoke; signaling that the plane will be taking off momentarily.

With a sigh, Jake leaned back into his seat as the air vehicle began moving. Gazing out the window for one final look at his beloved city, Jake closed his eyes and began mentally preparing for the life he will soon be leading. Washington, here I come.
The trip between states wasn't nearly as long as Jake had first imagined. It was even a quite pleasant experience watching the country side scroll by as he flew several thousand feet in the air. At this current point in time nothing could trouble the young Heister. No bills. No police. No masked home invaders. Just him and the pleasant view.

Interrupting him from his newfound peace was a voice coming through the aircrafts intercom. "Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen this is your captain speaking. I'm pleased to inform you that we will be reaching the Washington National Airport in about thirty minutes, so if you could please fasten your seatbelt we will be landing shortly." Jake did as instructed and gazed out the window one final time at the horizon before descending began.

It had taken a bit of time to exit the plane due to the occupants taking their sweet time shambling about. Upon entering the terminal, Jake was greeted with a sea of people bumping into him. After managing his way out of the horde, he bumped into a man holding a sign. The man turned to looked at Jake and eyed him viciously.

"You Jake?" Asked the man in a quick and hushed tone. "I uh.." was all Jake could muster before being cut off by the sign holder. "Look, kid, if you're Jake than say so, so we can get the hell out of here." Jake looked at the man bewildered at how quick of a response he gave.

"I suppose I am." Jake uttered out as quickly as he could. "Than grab your bag and lets go. We're running late." The man shot out as he turned and power walked away. Jake, not wanting to annoy his acquaintance, did as he was told and tried keeping up with the man.

"Running late? I just got off the plane, how exactly are we running late?" Asked the Heister. "You wasted exactly one minute walking off the plane and an additional ten seconds looking for me. Once we made contact you took another two seconds to respond to my question. We are currently one minute and twelve seconds behind schedule." Without warning, the man made a sharp turn to the exits leading to the airport parking lot.

"I.. sorry?" Jake muttered out as the two made their way across the lot. "We've got another twenty minute drive barring any traffic stops or accidents." Said the man in an increasingly rushed tone. Jake had trouble keeping up with his quick acquaintance but was saved from another mouthful when they finally reached their vehicle. The man popped the trunk and rushed to the driver side door. "Toss the bag and get in before the traffic gets bad."

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