Chapter Seven: Shadows

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The packed streets of D.C. grew silent as the late evening stretched past midnight. A lone vehicle coast down the highway towards the waterfront as the moon reached its peak.

The inhabitants of the vehicle sat in silence as they zoomed past streetlight after streetlight in apprehensive anticipation at the possible outcome if they take just one misstep during their crime.

"Geez, I figured you four would be chatting it up during this long drive." Bain said through their earpieces. "Well, I can't speak for the others, but I'm pretty damn nervous about this job." Jake said as he put a pair of blue latex gloves on.

Sydney groaned. "Christ, when did ya turn into such a pussy? Everything is gonna go smoothly for us!" Jake shot a nasty look at the Aussie. "When did you become so freaking optimistic?"

"The lad has a right to be concerned. If these mercenaries capture us then there's no coming back." Clover chimed in. The van turned off the next exit towards the waterfront and slowly weaved through an alleyway before coming to a complete stop.

"Why didja stop here for?" Asked the Aussie as she peered through the back window. Clover maneuvered her way to the back of the van and started preparing with the rest. "I want to go over plan b just in case we get made."

"Not a bad idea." Chimed Bain. "If for whatever reason that alarm goes off I want everyone to drop whatever it is they're doing and run back towards the van. Response time for this area is going to be insanely fast." Clover said as she looked at everyone.

"Seeing as Murky Water is operating this warehouse it'll be safe to assume they have some extra security stationed nearby. I'd wager you'll have thirty seconds to get to the van and escape before they come down on you." Bain said through a flurry of typeing. Jake sat back and combed his fingers through his hair. "Well that's a good motivator to stay quiet."

"I'll pull us as close to the gate as I can so we have some sorta chance to make it if things go south." Said the Irish woman as she made her way back to the front of the van. Jake scoffed at the idea of stopping near the front gate but if it gives him a better chance of escaping than he'll have to deal with it.

Jake sat back and nervously twitched his leg in anticipation and accidentally bumped into Sydney. The Aussie pushed the bearded heister with enough force to nearly knock him out of his seat. "Oi, if you're gonna knock your leg into someone; do it to the old man sleeping across from ya, you tosser!"

Jiro exhaled and opened his eyes. "Wakakute gōmandearu yori mo furukute kashikoi kata ga yoi. Meditation before an important mission would do wonders for you." He said looking at the two young hesiters sitting before him.

"Meditation is for the birds! Besides, it makes me end up falling asleep." Sydney said defiantly. Jiro sighed and shook his head. "I hope your arrogance doesn't cost us our freedom."

The van came to a slow stop several feet from the main entrance to the warehouse. The four heisters crept out and huddled around the front of the van.

"It's quiet out tonight and I want you guys to keep it that way. Gage has arranged several drop off points for whatever loot you may find. If it's more convenient for you to bring it back to the van than do it. I trust you've thought out a course of action, right?" Bain said through the gangs earpieces.

Jake looked down the street towards the gate. "Well, I'm guessing walking through the front entrance is strictly out of the question. It seems our only option is to sneak past the gate and go into the alleyway at the end of the street."

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