Chapter 28.

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Arriving in the hallway of the ward, desperately trying to keep up with nathaniel as he stormed off towards the elevators, iPhone in hand and tapping away as I slowly but desperately tried to keep up with him. The quiet sound of his bitchy muttering, angered me beyond belief.

"Would you slow down Nathaniel!". I screeched as I came to a sudden stop behind him as he came to an abrupt stop turning to face me. His face filled with mixed emotions. His eyes flared with anger as he fought within himself to keep his emotions under control.

"Slow down, pfft. Slow down. That's rich coming from you. Why don't you go see lover boy and leave me the fuck alone? how's that for slowing down". He spoke stupidly slowly as he leaned down his face inches away from mine as he bent to my level making me feel inches big, degrading any self worth I had left.

Raising my hand I slapped him hard across the face. The rippling sound of the slap echoed through the empty halls. His face became unreadable as he grabbed hold of the wrist I had used to slap the face I used to love seeing.

"Don't ever slap me again Adrianne". He growled his eyes warning me, shivers errupting down my spine due to the fear he caused within me but for some twisted reason it made me feel alive. The adrenaline inside me as I watched his nostrils flare and the fear of not knowing how far I pushed him

"I'm surprised you fucking noticed, with that iPhone attached to your face" I spat at him, challenging him. On the outside I may have appeared confident and filled with anger but inside I was shaking like a leaf.

"Oh I'm sorry, sorry that I don't wanna pay attention to your stupid heart filled moment with the man you claim to love who you've known like five minutes, the phones more interesting!" he spat back at me. Smugness and arrogance evident on his features. I couldn't even control what happened next, it just happened and I didn't even think twice. Nor did I regret it.

Snatching the iPhone out of his hands, wrapping it tightly in my hands. I raised my hands as high as I could and smashed it against the tiled marble flooring.

The sound of smashed glass filled the room as I watched the iPhone shatter into thousands of unrepairable pieces. I didn't even wait to hear his reply. I continued to make my way into the elevator. Once inside I saw him march towards me, and for once the feel of adrenaline didn't give me a thrill it made me feel terrified for my life as I watched him enter the elevator, his calm and cool exterior chilled me to the bone. Why wasn't he reacting? the fact he stayed quiet and continued to stand relaxed bugged me.

"Look nathaniel I'm sorry but.." I trailed off I didn't even get to finish my endless rant, his large hands grasped my face pulling me as close to his own as he could and he kissed me with as much passion as he could muster within himself.

I found him pressed gently against me mentally aware of my pain but that was enough as we continued to make out in the elevator.

Pulling away, biting my lip I looked up at him kneeling over me. I whispered

"Why is it whenever we kiss, I always end up pressed against a wall?" I spoke smugly questioning him. His face seemed to light up with the endless possibilities as to why that always occurred

"Well miss Parker I don't know exactly why don't we let out body's find out the reason." he whispered before kissing me yet again, the tingle in my toes and the knots in my stomach made me want to stay like this forever. But sadly it was cut short by the ring of the elevator signalling that it was time to get out. Walking out the elevator we wandered back to my room, startled to find willow laid sprawled out across two chairs with wayde talking to faiths stomach, willow all gleeful about getting a new baby brother or sister.

The heart clenching feeling I felt made everything in the elevator seem like a sordid affair that I should be ashamed of not something I had once viewed as the most exciting thing that had happened recently.

The guilt was almost unbearable as I watched nathaniel lean down next to willow kissing her briefly on the cheek and joined the conversation with faiths bump. Stopping halfway through the conversation to kiss faith, causing willow and wayde to squeak with disgust yelling ews and yucks, I wanted to scream but instead. I pulled willow close giving her a large kiss on the lips totally avoiding where nathaniel had kissed her. Gave her and wayde a giant hug before saying how tired I was and watching as they all said their goodbyes and left me alone in my hospital room in my chair, to cry myself to sleep.

I was awoken hours later by the nurse coming in to do her routine medicine doses, she helped me into bed before giving me my dinner and placing my medication on the bedside table. Her sympathetic smile making anger boil inside me. I wanted to shout at her and tell her not to feel sorry for me but to feel sorry for faith as she's the one living with a Cheat who likes whores but then I thought what does that make me? a whore? or have I passed the line between being a whore or being worse?

I was brought from my thoughts but I couldn't seem to listen to her. I saw her lips move but the words weren't quite reaching my ears.

"Miss Parker did you hear what I just said to you?". She spoke softly. Her eyes bright with youth.

"No I'm sorry could you repeat that". I spoke ashamed of myself beyond words. I couldn't even think of how to rid myself of the guilt I was feeling.

" As I was saying. The doctor who treated you for your cancer would like to meet with you to check the cancer is still dormant tomorrow and after you leave from our care. The second date is two months from now. " She smiled. It not quite reaching her eyes.

Okay and when will I be allowed to leave?" I whispered.

"Your date for dismissal is the 18th. Miss Parker. The day after your meeting with the doctor." She spoke smiling as she left the room leaving me with nothing but my thoughts.

Two days from now I'd be free and able to leave this hell hole but I'd never really be free. The man id just confessed my love to was laying upstairs on the hospital bed fighting for his life. While the man I couldn't quite hate but loved more than I'd ever say was probably snuggled up next to his wife cuddling our daughter as he cradled her to sweet sleep.

Keeping Him In The Dark #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now