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Ethan's POV
Next day
It's been a whole day and she still hasn't texted me telling me that she was just joking, or how she feels about the kiss.

It's funny really that I thought something would actually work with us, even though we've only known each other for a week.

I've texted her multiple times and she leaves me on seen. I shouldn't have even tried, and the fact that how I technically met her was when she was kicking and screaming at the meeting I was at.

There's plenty of people in the world for me so I don't know why I'm so hung up on a girl I've know for a fucking week.

Emma's POV
"Where the FUCK is Ian?!" I yelled at James and Hannah. He still hasn't shown up, and we're supposed to go on this job with him.

"I'll go let boss know" I stated slouching. I walked into his office and folded my arms at him.

"What Emma?" He asked letting out a big breath. "Where's Ian?" I asked, my heart stinging a little realizing we might have to do this by ourselves. Ian has always been the best in the gang and if he isn't there I don't know what will happen.

"I don't know, your gonna have to go without him" he stated shrugging his shoulders. I simply nodded and walked back out to Hannah and James. "Let's get this done and fucking over with" I stated rolling my eyes and cocking my gun back.

At the 'job'
"James you'll be over at the corner and Hannah you will shoot the boss and then I'll take the rest" I said flinging my gun around the car.

"AYE AYE AYE" James said flinching every time I twirled my gun around my finger. "Chill out it's on safety" I stated pulling the trigger at his head, he flinched but it didn't go off as I said it Som safety.

"Emma" He said sternly. Hannah was in the back seat laughing her ass off as I joined her. "Okay let go" I stated taking my gun off safety and then taking their guns out doing the same.

"Go through the back" I whispered pointing to the back yard. "Why does their house look normal?" Hannah asked. "Bitch no time for questions, this is an in and out job" I said throughly gritted teeth. She nodded as we walked into the back yard.

I turned on My silencer and opened the sliding door. One of the guys at the table looked up at me as I shot him in between his eyes, not showing any emotion. James and Hannah had went a different direction because they were to take out the boss and get the money, as I was to get the others.

I walked down to the basement steps and walked over to the closed door. "Ian-" I didn't even give them time to talk as I heard his name. I busted the door open and held my gun up.

I shot the guy in the head as I turned to be faced with Ian. "W-What are you doing here?" I asked him my heart breaking looking at him as I had just found out he betrayed us.

"It's not what it-" he tried to finish but I cut him off. "No, it is what it looks like. Your with someone else at a different gang, why wouldn't you just leave?" I asked cocking my gun back aiming it at Ian.

"Because I didn't want to leave you, I've... fallen in love with you Emma" he stated a tear falling from his eyes. I shook my head and sniffled.

"That sucks doesn't it" I said and shot him in his heart, for breaking mine. I wiped my tears and finished off the rest of the guys, eventually we all got back in the car and got what we needed and killing the boss.

"What happened emma?" Hannah asked along with James. "It's Ian" I stated my eyes turning dark.

"Well what happened?" James asked. "He betrayed us, that's all you need to know" I stated starting the car, and driving off.

A smirked played on my face as all the emotion had drained from my body, I'm not trusting anyone ever again.

Ethan's POV
"Okay?" I said into the phone as I talked to emma. "Yep I'm coming over so be ready" she said back into the phone and hung up.

What the fuck? She legit kissed me then a day later is like, omg hey bff what's good. Like okay then.

"Yo Ethan, who was that on the phone?" Grayson asked from the hall way drying his hair with a towel as he had just gotten out of the shower.

"Emma" I started blowing my breath, and rolling my eyes. "Well, I'll be in my room" he said backing away slowing into the dark. I glared at him as he did so.

A knock on the door made me jump until my door opened, revealing a evil looking emma. She smiled a wicked smile and her eyes were dark.

I got up to hug her but she pushed me back her face dropping. She shook her head and went to the couch and sat down.

"Okay Emma, What the fuck?" I asked being confused on her actions and previous ones. She looked up at me and rolled her eyes.

"Then get out, I'm not having it" I said opening my door back open for her to leave.

Her eyes shot up to look at me and her eyes glistened turning blue again. She looked down as she started breaking out crying.

"Oh shit" I said and ran to her bending down in front of her. "I'm sorry" I said rubbing her arm up and down making her calm down.

"I cant trust anyone anymore" she mumbled. "They always leave or betray me, and that's why I left you yesterday. I didn't want you OR me to get hurt" she whispered looking to my eyes.

"I promise I wouldn't even hurt a fly" I stated looking back at her. She smiled a weak smile and nodded. "How about you stay the night, I'll sleep on the couc-"I tried to say.

"No, sleep with me" she said moving a piece of hair out of her face.

"Ok" I said smiling at her.


Sup bitchasses

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