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Yoonha's POV

"Come down stairs now." Said Yoongi over the phone before he abruptly hung up the phone. His tone was angry and I had a feeling this conversation wasn't going to go well. Going down stairs and outside my dorm building I find Yoongi pacing back and forth. His hand runs through his hair in frustration then he turned to me.

         "Are you mad at me?"  He asked, turning quickly to look at me. His ears were suddenly red and I knew whatever was on his mind was bothering him.

          "I could ask you the same thing from the way you are behaving right now. What is your problem?" I asked him.

           "Why haven't you talked to me in four days?" He asked.

            "I don't know Yoongi."

             "What do you mean you don't know Yoonha. Do you not want our relationship anymore?"

              "I never said that." I pinch the bridge of my nose in frustration.

               "Then what are you saying then?" He asked, I could see the confusion clear as day in his beautiful eyes. But I didn't know how to answer his question. Not without tearing us apart.

               "Yoongi." I plea to him. "Let's just talk about this another time."

                "No. Now let's do this now. Let's air our differences now before they tear us apart." He begs.

                "What happened to crossing that bridge when we get there?"

                  "Well that bridge is collapsing on top of us Yoonha. So tell me now what do you want from this relationship."

"Put me first!" I scream. No longer able to hold back. "I know it's selfish of me to ask but for once in my life I want to come first to someone. I want to mean something to you beyond a secret."

"So this is what he meant, huh?" Yoongi mumbled to himself his hands in his hair once more.

"Who?" I asked, my anger rising.

"Namjoon. He said something about me not putting you first."

                  "Is that why you're here now Yoongi? This conversation only come about because of Namjoon?"

                 "He made me realize we had to talk, yes."

                 "What did he do to make you realize this talk was necessary."

                  "It's not important."

                   "Yes its is. Tell me. Now!"

                    "He talked like he knew you better than me! Like you two were so close. Like he could give you what you need."

                     "You only wanted to talk because of your immature jealousy?" I laugh humorlessly. "I barely talked to him more than what? Twice? You're ridiculous. You put on a show like this conversation was to benefit our relationship but it's only to rub your ego. I'm done with this conversation." I say and turn to leave.

                      "Don't leave!" Before I know what's happening Yoongi grabs my wrist and turns me around and his lips meet mine.

                      The warmth of his lips seeps onto mine as his hands cup my cheeks gently. His movements aren't rushed or sloppily. No, they're purposefully planned to cause butterflies in my stomach. The kiss takes me back to first one we shared. When I first felt that spark between us it was electric. Yoongi was reminding me of what we have with every movement of his soft lips against mine. Reminding me we are much bigger than this fight. Suddenly he pulls away and rest and forehead against my own, breathing heavily.

              "I'm still mad at you." I tell him.

               "That's fine. As long as you don't leave me. Please."

                "I won't leave unless you make me."

                 "Then I guess you aren't going anywhere."

Kisses- Min Yoongi AMBWWhere stories live. Discover now