Chapter 6: Separated

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Lara POV

After some... let's just say problems, I finally made it to where Roth. "I'm so glad you moved." I hug him. "You and me both." He looks around. "Where's the other one?" He means Rouge. "She's alive. But I don't where she is. I just know we'll meet up again." I know we will.

"It doesn't make sense. One moment they were fine. But the next... it was this storm that came out of nowhere." This is all my fault. I led them to their deaths because of me. "It's not your fault-" "Yes it is! If I did all them here then wouldn't have to die!"

He turns my head. "Hey, we'll find another way." He tells me. And I hope he's right. "Mayday! Mayday!" Wait is that?! I pull out the radio. "Another pilot!"

I tired getting his attention by it must be the signal. But the good thing is he sent out a glare signal. "I have to get to him." "No." "But his signal is over there!" I argue with him. "We have our own people to worry about. We have to regroup and hope they find Sam." "But he's out there and I need to get to him and I need to find Rouge." I turn to walk but he grabs my arm.

"Sometimes you've got to make sacrifices, Lara." I pull my arm back. "You can't save everyone." "I know about sacrifices." I tell him since He's told about this all the time. "No, you only know about loss. Sacrifice is a choice you make. Loss is a choice made off you." He looks back. "Even if that cat girl you met is there, you still have to keep going." I get mad at his words. "I can't chose to let him or let Rouge die Roth."

And with that I walk away and I continue to head down the mountain cliff. I can't let him die. And I won't let Rouge die either.

Rouge POV

The hell? What is that blue thing? I see something in the air and it's blue. Well whatever that is, my guess is that's where Lara we'll be too. "Guess I better get moving then."

I continue to walk down this small hill. I still can't get the thought of something like that happening. I never seen a bird that big and just cash down like that.

Seriously this island was still the same old boring trying to fight for you life place. And now we have Lara's kind here with their own weapons that are confusing and look like they hurt a lot. But I got built in weapons. I was born with my claws and sharp teeth. I don't need to rely on some tools to do a job for you.

I look to see I am getting closer. However I stop in my tracks as I get scent of something evil. I immediately start to climb the closest tree that's near me and I look around to find the scent. "The hell is that?!" I never felt myself be so scared in my life. I see them. The one in the stories my parents use to tell me. About creatures that something that protects their body. The most powerful was one that wield a giant tree trunk but it's not made out of wood. My parents said said they are called, The Oni. I watch them go to the blue smoke and that's where I was heading. "Shit! Lara!"

If I go there then me and her will die. But if I don't go then she will die. It's a lose, lose situation. I'm literally backed into a corner! My instincts tell me that this is not a fight I can win.

After I know their scent is out of range I jump down form the tree. I get another scent that's coming for me. "Hm?" I look back and I'm tackled. "Oh hell no!" I fight back back whatever is on top me and I wrestle them.

"Alright you little shit, it's time to-" "Rouge!" I'm tackled again. "June?" She rubs her head on me and purring. "I thought I would never find you." I rub my head on her as well. "Sorry I took so long."

She gets off me and I start to shake my body to get the dirt off me. "Did you kill Scar and the rest of his pack?" She asks me. "Yeah I did. But I had a little." She looks surprised. "Helped? From who?" "That creature we met. Her name is Lara." I tell her.

"Lara? Is she your new mate?" I feel my cheeks get warm for some reason. "Shut up." "I didn't hear a no." "Shut up!" She seriously gets on my nerve.

"Wait a second..." I look over and I look around. "Where is Eve?" "Oh her? She's back at the cave with cubs." I nod. But then I blink a few times after I realized she's all alone now. "YOU LFET YOUR SISTER IN A CAVE ALL BY HERSELF!?!?!" She jumps by my sudden outburst. "But I saw that bird coming down and I was worried about you." "I don't care! You need to watch and protect your sister if I'm not around! I can't believe you left your sister in the few hours I've been gone!"



I wonder what's going on out there. I hope my sisters are ok. I hear some noises outside the cave. "Sisters?"

Rouge POV

"Now you go home and watch over your sister. I have to make sure Lara is safe from the Oni." "T-The Oni?!" I nod.

"Yes. So I need you go to home and watch over her until I get back." I lick her face. "I promise I'll come back." "With that Lara as your new mate?" I giver her cold stare. "I'm gonna eat you for lunch." "But isn't that cannibalism?" I smile evil at her. "That's not what I meant. My dear sister~" her face gets all red and she instantly runs away. "See later sister!" I chuckle a little.

"Works every time." I look back at the smoke that is quickly fading. "Crap!" I start to run as fast as I can. "Just hang on Lara! I'm coming!"

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