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Kaycees POV

As I walk into my class the teacher glares at me. I fake glare at her back and we start laughing. "Why are you late?" She whispers to me and I look down. "Uh.. I kinda bumped into a guy and all my books fell and uh yea, something weird happened but it's in the past now" I tell her and she nods slowly.

I really like this teacher. She understands students and not just assume everything and starts being a complete bitch. I walk over to the back row of the class and see two free spots. I take the one near the widow and put my stuff down. "Ok, so class, we are going to-."

"Sorry I'm late!" A boy says as he walks in. "It's ok. But try not to be late all the time new commer." she says and he nods. He turns around and it's the same boy. He sees me and the spot next to me and he walks over. I widen my eyes and the teacher looks at me. She looks back at Sean and she smirks. I roll my eyes playfully and she gets back to teaching.

The boy sits next to me while I start writing my notes. "Hey.." he says as he gets his book out. "Hey" I say back and smile. We start to write the History notes on that were written on the board and just stay silent.

Once the class is done writing the notes the teacher starts talking. "So class. Today you would be working in pairs for an History assignment. Your gonna write a fictional or non fictional, your choice, story of you and your partner and perform a play...but what year is it?" She says and we all give her a confused look.

"Ok, so for example I have this hat and it has different years on little pieces of paper. You or your partner are gonna pick a year and act like you were in that year. Or use a real story you know from that year and recreate it. Adding facts and Information about the iconic things that happened that year." The teacher says and we all nod.

"Sorry to tell you, but I'm gonna pick the partners." She says and we all groan. "So.. we got....(start saying random names) and last but not least Kaycee and Sean" she says and I give her a confused look.

"Who's Sean?" "Who's kaycee?" Me and the boy say at the same time and we look at each other. I quickly look at the teacher and she's smirking. Ugh.. I would so kill her right now if she wasn't like a sister to me.

I look back at Sean and smile. "So.. I guess your names Sean?" I start and he nods. "And your kaycee.." he says and I nod. "That's me.." I say awkwardly.

"Well I'm gonna go.. pick a year.." I say awkwardly and he nods. I giggle and walk over to the hat. As I pick a year the teacher whispers to me. "You like your partner?" She says and I roll my eyes playfully. "He was the boy you were talking about earlier when you said you were late right?" She asks and I nod my head. "Well you guys would look cuts together." She says and I glare at her. "Your a teacher you don't say that!" I whisper yell and she chuckles.

I pick a year and go back to my seat. "Well.. what's the year?" He asks and I opened my mouth to say something then realised I haven't even checked the paper. I close my mouth awkwardly and look down opening the small paper.

"1842" I say and he nods. "That's a pretty good year. I mean a lot of things happened that year. I'm glad that years over" he says and I look at him. "You sound like you've lived that year" I say as a joke and he gets nervous. "As a joke" I add and he nods.

"Well, what do you want our story to be about?" I ask and he smiles. "Well I know this story from that year.. umm it's about my great great great.. I think that's how many greats they are....." he says thinking and I giggle.

"Anyways, this was during the time of the war. (This is completely fake. Idek what was happening at that time.. anyways) well my great great how many there are supposed to be great, well he felt like he was in love. He met a woman. Strong, fierce, and beautiful. Was kind hearted. She cared a lot for people. The woman and him fell in love. He thought it was real but.. he felt like the woman was playing him. He ran off and the woman looked for him..." he starts and I nod.

"And uh.." he says getting kinda emotional. "And then, um..." he says and I wait. "Then what happened?" I asked and he looks at me. "He got caught in the crossfire" he says quickly and I look at him. "Oh my.. I'm so sorry Sean" I say and he shakes it off putting a fake smile on. "Nah.. it's ok. I didn't even know him. That's what happens in war.." he says and I nod.

"Oh class, you can add a twist to it! Not giving you suggestions, be creative" the teacher randomly says and I look back at Sean. We lock gazes. Feels like forever then the bell rings. "Well.. uh.." he says scratching the back of his head. "Give me your phone" I say and he looks confused and gives me his phone.

I type my number in and name my contact "girl I'm partners with in history" and giggle. I give him back his phone and he looks at it and chuckles. "Text me when we can meet up to do the play. Bye" I say and wave at him and he waves back. I giggle and smile walking out of the classroom.

Well, today was something. And we still have 13 hours of the day to go.

Sorry this chapter was kinda boring.

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