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Kaycee's POV.

My eyes flutter open as I smile from the sunlight. Then frown from the look of a different ceiling. I shoot up and look around me. Then I see him. Next to me. Oh how I want to kill him.

I get out slowly and tip toe to the door. But then I feel it. His breath on my neck. I turn around and I see those evil eyes pierce through me. "Your not going anyway" he says before he bits into my neck and a loud scream escapes my lips.

He leaves as I struggle to walk to the mirror. I check my neck then look back at myself. What the..

My mind starts to panic but I look like I'm calm. I'm a different person. That's not me. That doesn't look like me. Who is that guy? What's happening? Why am I seeing this!

As I shoot up from my bed I start breathing heavily. I look around and panic then I see him. Running towards me and worry. "Kaycee! What's wrong. What happened?" Sean asks as he sits next to me. I take no time to wrap my arms around his torso in fear.

"I-I was.." I say then become scared. "What happened?!" He ask and I start breathing more heavily. I feel him hug me tighter and rub my back. "Don't worry kaycee. It was just a dream." He says.

"I-it felt s-so real. Like it was... it was a memory" I say and he looks at me. "What was it about?" He asks and I look down. "I-I um woke up on a bed. This one.. and I looked over to my side and saw a guy. He was sleeping." I start and he nods slowly meaning for me to continue on.

"I Uh. Well when I saw him. All I remember is hate. Just hate and disgust. I got out of the bed walking to the door quietly. Then I felt his breath on my neck." I say and I start to shake a bit.

"He uh.. he turned me around and he bit into my neck. I started screaming and after a while he stopped and left. I struggled to walk to the mirror and examined my neck." I say and he widens his eyes.

"Well, once I got to the mirror, it wasn't me. It was someone else. My mind was panicking and freaking out but the person looked calm and scared. It was like.. like I was inside their brain in a memory" I say and he looks at me.

He hugs me tighter and I smile. "Are you ok?" He asks and I nod. "Im just kinda shaken up about that" I say and he nods. We pull away and he presses one of his palms on my cheek and I lean into his warm hand.

He moves his hands and tucks a piece of hair behind my ear and I smile. "I'm sorry" he tells me and I frown. "What are you sorry about?" I ask and he pulls his hands away from my cheek and looks down.

"I brought you in to all this mess. Vampires, witches, were wolves. Doppelgängers?" He says and I chuckle. "Fate brought me to you for a reason Sean. Baileys grandma said that and trust me, whatever she says, it's all true. I've learnt that since I was like 6" I tell him and he chuckles.

"Who or what do you think wants doppelgängers that are apparently meant to be together for?" I ask and he chuckles and shrugs. "Idk.." he says and I look down.

"What.. what did you feel when baileys grams said what she said... about us.." he asks and I shake my head. "To be honest.. I was kinda angry. That I didn't really get a choice. You know. A choice of who I want to love.." I start and he nods and looks away staying silent.

I move closer to him and place my fingers under his chin and turn his head towards me. I bring his face closer to mine and stare in his eyes. "But now when I think about it. I don't know why I was angry" I say and he looks confused.

"Why aren't you angry. You should have every right too" he asks and I shake my head chuckling a bit. I stare into his eyes. I shrug and smile.

"Because. I have absolutely no problem, in being in love with you"

I smile and I see him creak a smile. I lean closer to him and he leans forward. We're soon sharing the same breath and I lean my forehead on his. Our lips get closer and just as I was about to feel his lips, someone knocks on the door.

We jump away from each other and we look at the door. It opens and I see Julian. He looks at us then laughs. "I'm sorry, did I ruin something? I was getting worried once it got all silent after what kaycee said" he says and we widen our eyes.

He quickly puts a hand over his mouth and steps backwards. "Now I really wish I was older then Sean" he manages to say before Sean already in front of him carrying him by his ankles.

He walks downstairs and I giggle following him. He walks through the house purposely hitting Julian's head on every table or wall he can find on his way to the front door. With Julian saying "ow" each time he gets hit.

We walk outside the house and he drops Julian on the floor. "Who else was ear dropping?" Sean asks and he scratches the back of his head. "Well uh-." He says before he gets cut off by someone clapping.

A guy comes out of the bush and he runs over to Julian and helps him up. By the speed he went, well hello another vampire. Sean smile and walks to him. They shake hands and hug.

"Bro.. I haven't seen you for so long!" Sean shouts and they guy laughs. He looks at the house and sighs happily. "I missed this house" he says and chuckles. The guy looks at me and walks over to me.

"Well hello there" He says and I smile. He puts his hand out and I take it. He bends down and placed a soft kiss on my lip. Then it all goes black. I see him again. The dream. The guy.

I rip my hand away from him as soon as I regain my vision and back away. "Kaycee are you ok?" Sean asks coming towards me. My vision gets dizzy and I walk backwards shaking my head.

I loose focus and feel my legs give up. I fall backwards. Not feeling anything. "Kaycee!" Someone shouts as The last thing I heard as my mind goes black and numb.

Where am I?

Broo.... what the...

Is it weird for me to say "bro" so much as a woman? And I'm not even that much of a Tom boy ahah

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