CHAPTER 18 - Bad timing. Literally.

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Charter 18 

"Pietro? You here?" Veronica asked as she entered the roof.

"Veronica," Pietro greeted, his face lighting up in a joyful smile as he noticed her doing the same.

"Are you ready to train?" He asked quickly, making Veronica nod excitedly.

"Weird question, but do you mind if I sit down? I just always get so dizzy," she quickly excused.

"Of course," Pietro mumbled as he watched her place herself on the rooftop. He thought for a second before sitting down in front of her. She took a deep breath before closing her eyes in concentration.

"Okay, so just, go in, stay, and come back to this time, okay?" Pietro guided.

"I'm scared," Veronica admitted bluntly; "What if I can't find the right time to get back in? What if the door closes?" She opened her eyes.

"Well." Pietro thought for a second; "What if you have something keeping your feet on the ground? A door can't close if there's something blocking it."

"Like what?" Pietro thought for another second.

"Close your eyes," he stated.

"Pietro-""Trust me," he interrupted. Veronica bit her lip before doing as he told.

"Do your thing. Get ready to go in," he ordered; "What's it like in there?"

"Like a storm," Veronica stated; "Everything's moving fast and spinning and then you make it to the eye of the storm, and then you have to make sure you hit the right time when you go back out."

"That sounds.. Scary, yes," Pietro admitted; "But nothing you can't handle, Vee."

"Here," he mumbled, carefully grabbing her hand; "Just hold onto me, okay? I'll pull you out whenever you want. You'll be safe. I promise."

"You can't promise that," Veronica stated, concentrating on the storm, as she referred to it, she was about to enter.

"Yes. I can. Because if anything happened to you.." His voice went silent; "I won't let that happen. I promise, draga mea."

"Damn, you better be right," Veronica muttered under her breath as she entered the storm.

Endless scenarios surrounded her, spinning. She tried focusing on one at a time, like when you do a pirouette to avoid getting dizzy, but to no use.

"I'm coming back out," she said loudly in order to be heard over the non-existing storm, however, to Pietro, she spoke calmly.

"You can do this, draga mea," Pietro urged; "I'm right here." He squeezed her hand to remind her of his presence.

"Nu voi lăsa să se întâmple nimic cu tine, draga mea," he promised quietly.

I won't let anything happen to you, my dear.

"I can't do this, Pietro! Everything's too... Fast!" she exclaimed, her head spinning with the countless things that had happened on the roof.

An employe proposing, a rooftop party, Bruce smoking - was that weed?! - Pietro, Pietro, Pietro and herself.

"Then slow it down! This is your power, draga mea, it's your choice. Just, focus on one thing," Pietro suggested; "Make it slow down."

Veronica took a deep breath and focused on the one that seemed to stand out the most.

"We're looking at the sky. At the stars," she mentioned, careful not to follow her instincts and jump into the time.

"You and I?" Pietro asked, a smile tickling his lips.

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