CHAPTER 20 - Birthday pt 1

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My birthday quickly approached, and before I knew of it, I was getting ready.

Getting ready for a party can easily take a fair while. Getting ready for a Stark party usually takes longer.

Getting ready to host a Stark party, however, can easily take all day.

That's why it was 4:05, and I was still making the finishing touch on my makeup and hair.

"Your father has asked me to inform you that if you are not there in under 10 minutes, he will be sending a suit for you," JARVIS' monotone voice sounded.

"That would be such a cool entrance, though," I mentioned, putting down the brush and looking myself in the mirror.

"Oh, jewellery," I remembered as I turned around and quickly neared my jewellery box.

"Where are youuu," I song quietly as I looked through the rings and necklaces; "There you are." I picked up the golden heart necklace my mother had left me and quickly spun it around my wrist a few times before closing it.

A determined knock sounded on the door, and I turned right in time to see my dad practically break it down.

"You're late." His angry finger was pointed at me as I opened my mouth to come up with an apology.

"The guests are coming in just thirty minutes. You need to get down there now," he explained and held the door for me.

"You look nice, too, dad," I mumbled as I passed him.

"Scott's down there, I agreed to let him bring Cassie as long as they left early, so he came early to make sure he'd get a chance to see you," my dad explained as we waited in the elevator; "Pietro and Natasha had to go out for a quick mission, but Nat promised she'd make it, although maybe a little late."

The elevator doors opened in front of us, and as we entered the not even started party, I couldn't help but be overwhelmed.

Round tables covered in white tablecloths was placed in a perfect pattern across the floor, every single one with flowers in the middle. The dancefloor was placed right in front of the stage, where the band was setting the last things up. Waiters and waitresses were preparing the last welcome drinks by the bar. By the far left, a long table with a few gifts on it was placed.

"Hey Scott," I greeted as I neared him.

"Hi Cassandra," I mentioned and bend down to give the kid a hug.

"Cassie," she corrected me, making me smile at her.

"What a lovely dress!" I complimented.

"Thank you!"

"Happy birthday, Vee," Scott gratulated me as he pulled me into a one-armed hug.

"Thank you. And thanks for coming, I really appreciate it."

"Wouldn't miss it for the world. Your gift is on the table," he mentioned and nodded towards the table I'd noticed earlier.

"You didn't have to get me anything," I pointed out, feeling sligthly guilty.

"Don't worry, it wasn't expensive," he promised me quietly.

"Hey kid!" I looked towards the noise and saw Steve entering the room through the back door wearing a blue suit.

"Hey Steve!" I yelled back.

"I'm gonna go say hi. Watch Cassie?" Scott asked politely. I nodded and turned to her.

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