Chapter Six: Going into town

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Frisk POV

I finish yet another breakfast since G had proved that he no longer be trusted in the kitchen.

'How do you even eat anything you cook?'I signed to him as he sat next to me.

"I usually eat out. I have a friend that hooks me up with free food." I roll my eyes, feeling like that was something he'd say.

'I want to say I'm surprised but I'm just not.' He chuckles and looked down in thought.

"You know what, dove?" I tilt my head. "I'm taking you out tonight. We're going to see my friend. Just you and me." I shake my head.

'We'd have to get someone to watch Kiri. Last house we had she tried to look out the window and ended up hurt.' He nodded and began thinking of another alternative.

"We could ask if Fuku could take care of her." I raise my brow, not knowing who he was talking about. "A friend doll face." I shrug, showing that if she's willing. "Don't worry she will take her. Fuku loves kids." I sigh, knowing there is no way I could sign my way out of this.

'Why not. When are we leaving?' He looked at his wrist mockingly. There wasn't even a watch there.

"Now. KIRI!" He grabbed my hand dragging me outside.


I was so shocked that he announced we were going now. We've only just had breakfast. 

It only just hit me that his bony hand was tightly grasping mine. I stared at his bony fingers, feeling my face to emit a soft red glow.

G had let go of my hand, pulling my thoughts away from why I was feeling this way. It felt familiar but also so distant.

I smiled once they both turned to me and began slowly walking into the town.

To be honest...I'm really nervous. Not because G took my hand again, it's because we're probably notorious. Police will still be looking for us.

Seeing my sort of panicked expression, G gave me a sort of smile. Although it didn't really seem real.

"Still worried baby doll?" I gently nod, not really wanting to worry him but curious as to why he's so calm. "Don't worry, the guards here are too scared to grab me. Not to mention we're pretty far away from the prison." I smiled as he looked at me from the corner of his sockets.

We walked for quite a while, since we were actually up a pretty high mountain. I see now why he decided we'd go so suddenly.

We were silent the rest of the journey. Not even Kiri spoke when Fuku took her to go to a nearby park.

"So, here we are dove. Welcome to Grillby's!" I saw pride in his eyes causing me to smile at the old looking building. It was nice considering everything else is rather modern and flashy. But not this one.

Again G grabbed my hand, dragging me into the building. Once we got in however my eyes widened in fear and anger.

No...He's alive...

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