Chapter Sixteen: New problem

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Frisk POV

A few weeks later

I feel myself sigh as I played with the necklace around my neck. I had thought about going to the meadow today but unfortunately, G warned me that the police are becoming desperate to find us.

They labelled us as 'Serial Killers'. I honestly couldn't help but throw my head back and laugh. The idiots.

The last person I killed was actually Jaydon. But hey? Still don't regret it. Best thing I ever did actually.

The police put a hefty price on our heads though. Not that money is important. G seemed to steal stuff from stores and not get caught so it was never really a problem for us.

G and Papyrus said he'd be 'shopping' today. After mine and G's...Adventures last night, I was sore and decided instead to stay behind. I'm telling you: Bones and skin do not mix well.

A knock came from the door and I went down quietly, to see who it is. I thought at first it was G but than it occured in my stupid brain that he didn't need to knock.

I was actually kinda hesitant to answer. H and Paps aren't here. Would it really be a good idea to answer the door now?

"We know someone's in there. We just want a quick chat and we'll leave." I close my eyes tightly and curse myself. I needed to think of something-- Anything to hide my face.

"G-Gimme a minute!" I yelled, running upstairs to the bathroom. I rummage through the cupboard and pull out a towel, stripping myself down than wrapping it around my body. Luckily for me, G had a packet of strawberry face mask...For some reason...

I quickly rub water along my body and wet my hair, also adding an extra towel to my head to add to the impression I only just got out the shower.

I walk downstairs and quietly open the door, the clasp only letting it open by enough for me to peak through.

In front of me, stood a male police officer. He held a clipboard and quickly smiled when he noticed the door open.

"Good evening, miss. We were just wondering whether you have seen these two about." He held up two wanted posters of me and G.

Oh, you bet your ass I have.

I try to play timid as I stare at the pictures of me and G. I shuffle about a little to act awkward.

"Um...No, they don't seem similar...Are they d-dangerous...?" I question him, in a quiet voice.

"Yes. They are very dangerous." He says, seriously and writing a note. "Since I can see you're busy, I'll search the house another time."

"S-Search the house...?"

"Yes, just in case. Don't worry, it will be a quick run through." He hands me the note but all it had on it was a phone number.

"Uh...Thanks...?" I say, not breaking character but it was hard to hide my disgust.

The absolute pig.

"Have a good day, ma'am. I'll be back tomorrow." He tipped his hat and walked to his car. I shut the door and let out a sigh of relief.

I managed to buy sometime but I needed to get a hold of G. This was urgent and we had to leave as quickly as possible. If he were really coming back than he would find out who I really was and I'd be sent to prison all over again.

Bad thing though is that the phone line doesn't go up this mountain. So no phones were here. We're lucky to have electricity and gas but I don't understand why we do.

I felt myself sigh once again and go up to mine and G's room and change back into my clothes. My face offically felt as stiff as stone and I didn't like it.

I tried to peel it off but it pulled on my face causing a painful sensation to run up it. I felt myself groan as all I could pull off was a bit of my chin and a little off my cheek.

I heard the door open and ran downstairs to greet G and Papyrus. It was great to see them unharmed but the face mask was still a problem.

"G! I'm so glad to see you!" I said, almost in tears. Don't ask me why. He looked upon my face and immediately questioned it.

"What's with the red face, Angel? That embarrassed about what we did last night?" This definately made my face go red. Why would he even bring that up?!

"W-What?! No!"

"WHAT DID YOU DO LAST NIGHT?" Paps asked curiously and we both looked at him.

"You're...You're kidding...Right?" I was genuinely speechless. He didn't hear us last night? How?

"NO. THE GREAT PAPYRUS NEVER KIDS!" He smiled but he seemed like he was actually not kidding.

"G, did you give Paps the...Birds and the bees speech?" I question him, but he gave me a glare through his empty sockets.

"I am NOT giving Paps that speech." He seemed disgusted by the notion making me laugh under my breath. I don't think I could ever give Kiri the talk. If it were up to me I'd take it to my grave and that'd be where it would stay.

"Well, I think it's due. I can't believe at his age he doesn't know how babies are made." I chuckle but Papyrus grabs his chin as if in thought.

"HOW ARE BABIES MADE, ANYWAY?" I immediatly clap my hands and attempt a topic change.

"Ooo-kayy! I'm going to change this terrible conversation! The police have been!" They both stopped and looked at me, shock in there faces.


"They came up and I put this on so they wouldn't recognise me." I pointed to the face mask. They exchanged worried glance.

"Did they say when they are coming back?" G asked, furrowing his brows about the whole situation.

"Tomorrow. We need to pack and leave now." A knock came from the door and we all immediatly turned toward it.


Hope you enjoyed 💜💜💜

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