Chapter 4

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Katie's POV
Owen took me to the airport early the next morning. We had time to talk so we decided to end things for now because it was just easier that way. It was hard but we knew it needed to end. "Keep in touch and don't forget me when you get famous." I jokingly told him I'd send him an autograph. He kissed me on the cheek and told me bye. I headed to my gate. I got on the flight and slept the entire way there. I got there and got an Uber to the hotel. I got ready and had nearly 3 hours to kill. I decided to go hang out at the mall and relax until time to go to the audition. When I walked into the mall and saw everyone I felt so out of place. I tried to ignore it but literally everyone I passed looked so perfect and I was just me. I went and got a Starbucks and went to look around.
Tayler's POV
I was walking around the mall when I thought I saw katie walking through the food court. This is perfect I thought. I can meet her and even give her some tips on the audition. So I went over to introduce myself. I walked by her table to make sure it was her. I knew it was her because she was reading over some lines. I saw she was on a page of a conversation between our characters and we were arguing. I walked up put my finger on a line where my character was yelling at hers and said "I heard the guy who plays him is just as big of a jerk." She looked up confused then she started laughing and stood up and gave me a hug. "Hi I'm katie it is so nice to meet you! Sorry I'm from the south I'll hug anyone" she laughed. "Not a problem I actually love meeting someone who doesn't make it awkward." "Do you mind if I sit?" She said of course not and we began talking. We talked for an hour and it felt like five minutes she was so easy to talk to. "So I saw your video and you are amazing if you don't get this part I might actually cry." "Thank you so much you literally have no idea how much that means coming from you. But that will definitely make two of about the whole crying thing because I came all the way out here for this." He looked kind of confused. "So where are you gonna stay?" Before she could even finish the sentence of her staying in a hotel i cut her off by saying "Absolutely not I have a guest room in my house you're staying with me."
Katie's POV
Come on katie stay calm you can do this. Someone please wake me up from this dream. There is NO way I'm sitting in California waiting for an audition while Tayler Holder is offering me a place to stay in his house. "You really don't have to do that the hotel I'm staying at is like 10 minutes from where we film I don't want to intrude." He told me how many bad things go on near where that hotel is and I'm already a scaredy cat as it is so I finally agreed. "Okay fine but let me pay you or do something I feel bad." He then told me all he wanted from me was to kill my audition today. He went on to tell me how his crazy ex is auditioning for this part just to be near him. "No pressure or anything" I laughed. He told me he wasn't even worried because my video proved it all. He was so nice and genuine I could not believe how nice he was. "You know you really shouldn't invite strangers in your house I could be a serial killer for all you know." We both started laughing. He helped me run over some lines and with him it felt so easy. I wasn't even nervous. It was almost time for me to go so I pulled out my phone to order an Uber. He stopped me and said "I'll take you. Come on let's go." I stood up and we started walking towards the escalators. This mall was huge. I then started thinking about how big his house must be. "So how many roommates do you have?" "You'll be the fourth." He told me he shares the house with Hunter Roberson and Bryce Hall. "Do you know them?" he asked. "Yes I watch yalls videos." He sarcastically said "sorry sometimes I forget I'm so famous." We both laughed.
Taylers POV
She seems so real and genuine. I can see us being good friends. I hope she gets this part. It's so easy to talk to and have fun with her and I can't say that about a lot of the people I work with. We were about to walk past the bathroom and katie looked up and said "I'm gonna go puke because I'm so nervous about this audition." She looked serious and I'm sure you could see the worry on my face. She started laughing and said "I'm joking Tayler I just have to pee." "Good acting." I laughed. As I was waiting for to come out so we could go to her audition my phone started ringing. It was Bryce. I answered it and before I could even say hello Bryce yelled "BRO please tell me you're not still at the mall." The panic in his voice scared the hell out of me. "Yes why what's going on?" "Tayler get out of there someone has a gun and there are shooting people."

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