Chapter 9

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I woke up to Bryce and hunter yelling at each other about fortnite😂 I sat up and saw tayler was still sleeping so I went to the kitchen to make breakfast for everyone to show how thankful I was for them letting me stay there. I went upstairs to ask what hunter and Bryce wanted to eat. "Good morning loud mouths" I laughed. They both laughed and apologized. "I'm just kidding but what do y'all want for breakfast I'm cooking." We all agreed on pancakes and they told me it was taylers favorite. I went downstairs and ordered an Uber to go to the store.
Taylers POV
I opened my eyes and rolled over to check on katie. When I didn't see her there I panicked a little. I got up and started looking for her. When I went down to the kitchen I saw her cooking and she smiled and said "well good morning sleeping beauty" I laughed and said "you didn't have to cook katie I could've made breakfast." "Yeah but mines much better" she shot back. We all ate together and just talked for a couple of hours. Me and Katie were talking on the couch when Ben called me. I could see katie get visibly anxious so I held her hand until I hung up with Ben. "Katie if you're not ready for this you don't have to do it today but they have time for you to audition in a couple of hours. I can go with you?" I felt so bad because I knew this was a lot for her but I was trying my best to make her as comfortable as I could. She forced a smile and said "No I'm fine I want to do it I'm gonna go get ready." She walked to the bathroom. I texted Ben and gave him a heads up on how anxious she still was with everything on. He promised me he would make her comfortable and that he'd make sure they had the minimum amount of people in her audition.
Katies POV
I was enjoying breakfast and just talking to Tayler when he got a call from Ben. My heart dropped as I knew what he was calling about. My audition. I was nervous enough for that but with everything else going on I was so afraid I would blow this audition. Not only would I ruin my chance at this part but would I also lose tayler? I've only known him a couple of days but I felt like he was already one of my best friends. I guess tayler could tell I was freaking out because he grabbed my hand and squeezed it while he finished up on the phone. I stood up and went to get ready. I got ready and had about 45 minutes until I had to be there. I decided to run over some lines and then get there early. Tayler knocked on my door and asked me if I was ready. "As ready as I'll ever be" I said. He walked over to me took the papers out of hands and said "Just breathe. You're gonna kill it and even if you don't we will find you something else because I know you belong here and you're always gonna have me okay?" I felt a weight lifted off my shoulders. I was so thankful for him. I leaned in to hug him and smiled "okay let's do this." We walked out to his car and went to set.

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