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Jimin is the perfect child, one who scored straight As, one who is polite at all times, one who doesn't do any sort of 'bad boy' stuff. Out of the seventeen years of his whole life, he has never cursed before, let alone lose his first kiss, get into his first fight, or anything along those lines. He was a boy every parent would love to have.

He wakes up at 7am every single day, and gets ready by 7.45am so that he reaches school by 7.55am and is early to class, and today was no exception. He woke up right on the dot at 7am and got himself a glass of water, downing it before freshening up. After scanning through his wardrobe, Jimin decided on a white flannel and some plain black shirt paired with some skinny jeans.

He grabbed his white Jansport backpack and headed down the stairs, greeting his mother.
"Good morning, Eomma!"
"Morning Jimin. Do you want some breakfast? I made your favourite."
"Japanese style fluffy pancakes with whipped cream, strawberries and blueberries?"

Eomma nodded. Jimin thanked her and sat down, digging into his food gracefully with proper table manners. Once he finished, he grabbed his backpack, which he had placed on the side of his chair, and took off. Not before bidding farewell to his mother though. He wore his black Dr Martens and off he went to school at 7.45am sharp.

Walking at his normal speed, Jimin greeted every passing neighbour he knew, bowing slightly at them. He reached school on time, placed his bag in the locker, grabbed his books and headed to his first class. As per usual, only around 5 students were in the class.

The others usually arrived 1 or 2 minutes before class starts, with an exception of 3 boys. Yoongi, Jungkook, and the school's bad boy. Kim Taehyung. That guy was trouble. He dyed his hair at 13, lost his virginity at the age of 14, started drinking at 15, gotten a tattoo at 16, and parties like crazy.

He is constantly late, but is always forgiven as he somehow manages to ace every single test. Today, he came 1 hour late, casually using the 'I overslept' excuse. The teacher-in-charge forgave him, telling him to not do it again for the nth time this month.

Lunch time soon came and the boy group which consisted of Jin, Namjoon, Yoongi, Jungkook and Taehyung sat together at the table. Sluts would go up to them and basically beg them to fuck the life out of them, but Taehyung would always reject them, reason being he never fucks someone twice.

At the table, a game of truth or dare was played. Namjoon was dared to make out with Jin for a solid ten minutes, Yoongi was dared to bed a certain someone named Hoseok. Jungkook chose truth, and admitted that he had kissed 57 girls, 43 boys and hooked up with 69 of them.

It was Taehyung's turn, and he chose dare.
"I dare you to be Jimin's first everything."
"What the fuck do you mean?"
"His first fuck, first kiss, and you have to be there when he gets stuff like his first tattoo, drink, smoke, piercing, everything."
"Are you sick?!"

But he accepted the dare. There were rules to the dare. One, he couldn't fuck or kiss anyone until the dare was done and two, he has to find another way to make Jimin allow him to be his first everything. Then it struck him. His party.

Taehyung stood up from his table, grabbing the attention of almost everyone in the cafeteria. Everyone but Jimin, Seulgi, Hoseok, Yerim and Jihoon. Their table was round as well. Taehyung walked to them and sat beside Jimin, wrapping a hand around his waist.

"Hi babe."
"I'm sorry but I'm trying to eat, so if you would let go I would appreciate it a lot." Taehyung frowned. He wasn't used to this.
"I was thinking if you want to come to my party tonight?"
"Sorry, not interested."

Jimin was something special. He is polite to everyone, despite how much he disliked them.
"Please? Just this once."
"I'm sorry, but I can't."
"Taehyung I really can't."
"I really want you to come."
"Ask someone else, will you? I really can't go, I'm sorry."

Taehyung pulled Jimin onto his lap. The blushing latter tried to get off but Taehyung's grip on his waist was too strong.
"I'll only let you go if you promise to come to my party later baby boy."
"I-I... I don't know where it is..."

Taehyung was enjoying himself, teasing the perfect boy.
"Give me your number baby, I'll text you the address." Jimin gave him his number but Taehyung still didn't let go.
"Wait a minute." He dialed the given number onto his keypad and called. No sound.
"Is the number fake, baby?"

Jimin shook his head and took out his phone.
"I-It's on silent." Taehyung saved his contact as my baby boy 😘💜.
"Give me your phone." Jimin handed his phone over to Taehyung with trembling hands. Taehyung saved himself on Jimin's phone as taetae 💘.

"Don't change it, baby."
"Y-you don't even k-know me..."
"Park Jimin, 17, born in Busan, dance major."
"Baby boy, I would shut that plump lips of mine if I were you, before a certain Kim Taehyung kisses the life out of you."

nobody knows about this book ;)

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