Chap 1

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Red stood outside the apartment door.

He had been standing out here for the past five minutes, attempting to steal his nerves. Red was only here on a stupid dare. Stars he should've known better than to try to out-drink Slim. He had failed in that bet, and as a result, he had to ask his alternate out on a date. Just once, he told himself, all he had to do was fake it for one date.

Red didn't like his alternate.

'Tale Sans, the only one of them who still went by "Sans". Red and the others didn't have anything personal against him, not really, seeing as they had never actually spent any time with the other.

Red only disliked Sans because of his rocky relationship with his brother.

It was no secret that the Tale brothers didn't exactly get along. Papyrus and Sans were hardly ever seen with each other, and when they were, it was quiet. Tense. Neither had anything to say to the other. Of course, it couldn't of been Papyrus's fault that their relationship was like that. Papyrus was similar to Blue--- Kind to a default, caring, just an overall good person. If there was a reason they couldn't get along, it was undoubtedly his alternates' fault. What had happened between the two, however, remained a mystery. But it couldn't've been good if it made the sweetest of his brother's alternates dislike his own brother so.

It didn't matter. All he had to do was be sort of pleasant for one night, and then he'd never have to talk to this asshat ever again.

With a heavy sigh, Red rapped his knuckles against the door. There was a long wait before the door was finally opened to the sight of Sans, dressed in the same clothes he always wore. His alternate looked exhausted, as if he had just woken up from a nap. Sans seemed surprised to see him, understandable, considering he had never approached the smaller before.

" heya. what brings you 'round, red?" Sans asked as he leaned against the doorway.

" Just uh," great way to start off, " i was wonderin'... do ya want ta go on a date with me?"

Sans made a noise of surprise, before he frowned slightly.

"why? you.. haven't shown much interest in me before this" Sans, predictably, called his odd behavior out. Would it still count as completing the dare if he got rejected? Probably. But he knew for a fact that Slim and the others would give him shit for it if he didn't at least try.

" I just.. you seem cool, i guess. I want to learn more 'bout ya."

It wasn't an entire lie. Red did want to know what the hell Sans did to Papyrus to make him so damn upset at him. Sans looked genuinely surprised.

" o-oh. sure, when do you...?"

" does tomorrow at 12 sound good? i'll pick ya up" Red suggested. He was fairly surprised that Sans had agreed to go on a date with him, and so easily too.

The other nodded, " guess that's a plum then."

A... plum? It took him a few moments, but he eventually understood.

" dude, that was awful" he groaned. Never thought he'd find a joke he didn't think was funny, but if anyone could do it, it was Sans. Sans grinned in satisfaction, unaware of his true distaste.

" you're smiling."

He actually wasn't, but best if the other didn't know so. Red hoped that this "date" wouldn't damage his love of puns.

"... right. i'll see ya tomorrow then" with that, he shortcutted to his own shared apartment.

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