Chap 13

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Edge found himself awake in the very early hours of the morning.

At least 2 hours before the usual time he started the day. Normally, when he couldn't sleep, Edge would go out on a run or cook something. But with everyone else in their home asleep, there was little he could do but lie on the couch and stare blankly at the ceiling. He sighed, shifting his position on the couch for what had to be the sixth time in the past five minutes.

The previous day had been... frightening. Though even 'frightening' didn't seem to describe what he'd felt. They could've lost him. They still could. For far from the first time, Edge felt lost. He didn't know what to do. He didn't know how to help. He didn't know how to convince the smaller that he didn't deserve this. And what made it worse was that his brother was uncertain as well. Neither of them knew how to help, knew what to do. They most they could do was show their love, to try to show Sans that he was needed. But were they doing enough?

He sighed again, once more rolling over to face the openness of the room- he jerked when he met Sans's eyelights.

" Oh, Good Morning" he greeted, voice quieter than normal in an attempted whisper, " Are You Having Trouble Sleeping As Well?"

"...y-yeah" sans whispered back after a brief pause.

" Since We're Both Awake, We Don't Have To Just Lie Here. Do You Want Some Tea? Or Hot Coco? I'd Offer Both But I Do Not Think That'd Taste Well Together" he commented, frowning at the thought of what bizarre taste it'd make. His soul fluttered when Sans snickered at his comment.

" you won't know until you 'chai' it" Sans joked, earning a surprised laugh from the taller. Edge may of complained when his brother made jokes, but he'd be lying if he said he didn't like them. He hoped that the smaller joking with him was a sign that he felt more comfortable in his presence.

" I Think I Have One! If You Leaf- Wait, No, That Doesn't Work. Hm...." he trailed off in thought, going over any tea-related words. If Red wasn't asleep, he would've pestered him for an idea.

"I Am Afraid That I Can't Think Of One. Red Is The Punnier One, After All" He eventually sighed, " Any Pun I Come Up With Will Be Lukewarm At Best."

He couldn't see the other's expression, but he noticed how the other's eyelights seemed brighter at the returned pun. Sans laughed- certainly a good joke, then! Once the other grew quiet again, Edge pushed himself up and to his feet. He was too restless to just keep lying there, though he was uncertain if the smaller felt the same.

" Are You Coming?"

After a moments hesitation Sans too got up, following him into the kitchen. He took a seat at Edge's insistence, while the taller searched the cabinets. After deeming that there was no hot coco left, he decided that tea would be fine. Though, the only type he had was what Undyne- both of them- had gifted him. Both of the Undyne's he knew had a habit of gifting their friends with Golden flower tea, which was why he, too, had an overabundance of it. Hell, there was an entire cabinet dedicated to storing it.

It was quiet as they waited for the water to boil. Once again, sans grew tense in his presence- understandably, of course. One day, he hoped the smaller would know that he would never hurt him. Once the cups were ready, he set one down in front of Sans before taking a seat across from him.

"thank you" sans said as he accepted the cup, wincing when he sipped the still too-hot liquid. Edge wondered whether or not that'd hurt him, but the other seemed more embarrassed than anything. They sat in silence until the steam stopped rising from the cups, which he took as a sign to drink it. This time, when sans took a sip, an unreadable expression passed across his features. His smile faltered as he looked to the cup.

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