Chap 2

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Red felt guilty.

Very, very guilty. How had he ever thought that was a good idea? Red wouldn't do that to someone he knew, whether he had a positive or negative opinion of them. He didn't know Sans, the fact that they were alternates meant little.

He needed to apologize.

But instead of doing anything productive, he just laid on his bed.

Red could hear his brother getting ready for work in the kitchen just down the hall. He knew he should get up too, before his brother caught on. But. Maybe he could just sleep this off. Maybe Sans would forget it ever happened, and he'd never have to confront what he did. That wasn't really how things worked, but he could at least pretend.

A knock on his bedroom door made him jolt in surprise. Edge didn't wait for permission to enter, not that he really needed to anyway.

So much for not letting his brother find out.

The taller skeleton came over to his bedside, frowning down at him in concern before he joined him on the bed. He rested a hand on Red's shoulder in a comforting manner. Edge knew how his brother worked very well. Either Red was having a bad day, or something had happened to make him upset. Red worked part-time at the nearby Grocery store, so perhaps something had happened at work?

" What Happened?" Edge questioned him. Red sighed, knowing it wouldn't do any good to lie about it.

" y'know how ya said I make bad choices while drunk?" he started.

" Yes."

" well, uh... you're right" Red admitted, in an attempt to stall. He didn't really know how his brother would react to this, other than being disappointed.

" Of Course I Am! I Am Always Right! Now, What Did You Do?" Edge wasn't going to let him get out of telling him. Red sighed, fiddling with his hoodie while he attempted to think of how to explain it in a way that wasn't entirely bad. No such luck.

" right, uh. 'member how I went out with the others?" when his brother nodded, he continued, " well, I tried to out-drink slim. I couldn't, so i had to ask Sans out on a date."

Edge let out a long-suffering sigh. Of all monsters Red could've tried to out-drink, it just HAD to be Slim, didn't it? His alternate seemed to have no limit when it came to drinking, there had been no way his brother could've won. Wait-

" Did You Really-"

" yeah."

Edge groaned, smacking a hand to his own skull.

" Really, Brother? What Made You Think That Any Of That Was A Good Idea? Asking Someone Out On A Dare Is A Very Unkind Thing To Do!" Edge scolded, scowling at his brother. Red cringed. Yeah, it was shitty.

" But..."

Red looked up, surprised. He hadn't expected a "but" to this.

" Maybe It Is An Opportunity. If Sans And Papyrus Are Anything Like Us, We Know For A Fact They Keep Secrets Very Well. We Could Figure Out What Sans Did To Make Their Relationship So Poor" Edge stated. Still, it wasn't a very good thing to do. He was curious, but was he curious enough to let this happen?

Edge didn't know Sans very well, but he had seen him a few times when visiting Papyrus. The other always seemed so... distant. Almost uncaring. He had to wonder if this would effect him at all, were he told the truth.

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