A Single Tear||Ch 1

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an: I would just like to say that you should watch the video ^^ it's the trailer of this book :)

Shays POV:
Another day, more meaningless sex, more practicing for scenes, and another day seeing Hudson being all lovey-dovey towards to Sasha.
God knows how many man I've had sex with, some of them looked homeless but all of them were better looking than Hudson. Usually I'm not the type to judge but when it comes to him let's just say I have plenty of opinions. But i will always keep a smile on my face when I see them because Sasha is happy with him. I don't want to be the girl who ruins a perfect relationship but sometimes god I just want to kiss Sasha's perfectly plump pink lips outside of work, where there aren't cameras recording us and us following script. I just. Want. To. Be. With. Her. But I can't bring myself to tell her how I'm feeling.
But enough of that I have to get ready for work and then tidy up my room because I have another guy coming over to do the dirty with me tonight.
I'm walking into set towards my dressing room to relax before I have to film, I have my earbuds listening to "Everywhere I Go by Sleeping at last" it's kinda sad sounding which just changes my mood so I wouldn't be surprised if I had a a frown on my face right now, because every time I hear this song I think of Sasha and just get a glance of how beautiful are future could be together.. But not while she's engaged, to Hudson at least.
I swear if I wasn't in public right now I could ball my eyes out listening to this and thinking about everything in general. it's just that type of song you know? It's good but still sad, it only makes you listen to it more and more until you cry everything out and eventually you're okay for awhile, until it all happens again.
As I'm walking i feel someone Jump onto my back which scares me, but there's only two people I know who would do this. Ashley or Sasha, I'm happy with either but part of me wants it to be Sasha more than my Benzo.
The blonde jumps off my back and says
"Did I scare you?"
Yup I know who it is.
I turn around and I'm faced with Ashley.
"Shannon? Why so sad-faced," she says as she wipes away a single tear that fell down my face that I didn't even notice.
"Oh um nothing," i fake smile.
Ashley takes my phone and looks at what I'm listening to.
"Everywhere I go? Hm yeah you're totally fine," she says with a eye roll.
"Ash, it's just the song making me emotional, you know just how when I don't bring over your favorite wine to hangouts you cry," I said with smile.
"Oh shush, i need to go get ready for filming, talk later," she gives me a slight peck on the cheek and walks away.
Ashley's POV:
There's something's up with Shay and I need to figure it out, maybe I'll send sasha to her as a undercover "spy". That's what I'll do, i say to myself with a stupid grin on my face as I changed my direction and walk towards Sasha's dressing room.

A/n: This was kinda like a preview chapter to see if you guys like it and if i should continue 💗 love you guys have a good week

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