Dream (Edited)

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Stiles screamed himself awake.


He didn't like his dreams. He didn't like that he woke up a good 6 hours from when he usually did. He didn't like that he didn't have his Dad to come and console him. He didn't like any of it.

"Sleep okay?" Bruce asked from outside his room.

Stiles nodded. "Yeah. I'm fine. What's up?"

"You screamed us awake," Tony said. "At 4.30AM."

"Oh." Stiles said. "Well... sorry about that."

"We're not concerned about the part where you wake us up," Steve said. "We're worried about the screaming."

Stiles shrugged. "I'm fine."

"You know you can tell us anything, right?" Bruce asked.

Stiles chuckled softly. "Yeah. I mean, you totally didn't lock me up in a room for hours. Or basically thought I was a terrorist. Or anything you've ever done, really."

Tony sighed. "Whatever, kid. If you're okay, then I want to get my sleep."

Stiles smiled at him. "I'm fine, really."

Tony and Bruce—after looking at Stiles like they didn't believe him for a second—left.

Steve looked at him sadly. "I'm going for a run. Usually I start at five, but since I'm already awake, I'm going now. Wanna come?"

"Uh," Stiles stuttered. He did want to go.

Steve rose a brow at him. "I could use some company."

"Okay," Stiles said. "But I don't want you to run so fast."

"I'll try," Steve said. "But why?"

"I can't keep up," Stiles said.

"You know, for a boy that literally ran with the wolves," Steve said, "you don't have that much confidence in running."

Stiles shrugged. "Running with the wolves kinda makes you like that."


Stiles managed to keep up—barely. He was on the floor panting when he only finished 4 laps, and Steve was on his 8.

"Maybe you... should... slow down," Stiles panted.

Steve shrugged and laughed at him. "Maybe you should keep up."

"I regret my decision," Stiles said.

"You ran four laps," Steve said.

"And you ran eight. What's your point?"

Steve sighed. "Do you want to go back?"

Stiles didn't. "Nah. Or else you'd be a loner."

"How kind of you," Steve said. "Maybe I can train you to run."

Stiles furrowed his eyebrows. "Strength isn't my department."

"What is?" Steve asked.

"Computers, math, science, supernatural..." Stiles counted them off his fingers. "Basically anything but strength."

"I can help," Steve said.

"With what? Spying people?" Stiles asked.

"I'll have lessons with you on fighting everyday, 3pm," Steve said. "That okay with you?"

Stiles liked that Steve wanted to help him and spend time with him. "Yes. Very. Thank you."

"Great," Steve said. "Now, we have to go back."

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