Chapter 4

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In the Kingdom, Tathdel, Kelpas stood in the throne room, bodies and blood was the theme.
In front of him was the King with his sword drawn; “You will die like the rest of them?” Kelpas asked
“I will die with a sword in my hand and courage in my heart than on my knees in fear” the King retorted Kelpas gave a slight breath,
“I have lived thousands of years and one thing as ever been true, I am immortal and immortality…” he walks closer and the King steps backwards away from him, “…trumps mortality”, the sword broke into pieces leaving the King standing in awe. “You are no match for an Aeden especially not the last one”, the King choked on his own breath and dies.
Chruma enters sheathing his clean sword, “My lord, the Kingdom has fallen, what now?”
Kelpas turns to him, “Now, the sacrifice is complete”
“What sacrifice?”
“Everyone of royal blood and priesthood who died by my hands are claimed by Daemeon, the more powerful he gets, the more easier this quest becomes, and now, he has enough to open the portal into this realm and use the south as our base of operation."
“But what about the rest of the lands?” Chruma asked
“Now all we do is…” he pauses, “… it’s time”, a great quake shook the Kingdom to its foundations and fire falls from the sky in form of a pillar. The palace was leveled in no time, but Kelpas and Chruma was left scathed. The flames subsided and a fortress now stood where the palace once was.
“The Fortress of Doom!” Chruma marveled
“With the Fortress in this realm, Daemeon can send legions of Screechers from the Dark Realm to aid us”
“That mean we don’t need to continue the campaign ourselves” Chruma reasoned
“Yes, now the Screechers will do the job for us” ***************************************************************************************** The King of Sivseria, Cornaith Windslore, received a message from one of his Earls, Ievos Ehlark, and without hesitation he ordered the Captain to appear in the royal palace with the acclaimed object and boy. ******************************************************************************************
In his cell, Chase was having his worst days ever; the mosquitoes were a problem, the stench was another problem and the solitary situation was driving him mad. He has tried countless of times to speak with the guards or gain their attention or that of other prisoners but all to no avail. He had already given up; the only faces he has seen were of the guards when they came to drop his meals or when they came to check on all the prisoners. He sat on the straws, far away from the chamber pot, he was truly now fed up with his own life all form of escape is nothing but a fantasy in a world of fantasies. So he always spend the day thinking of who Alinar is or what is happening back home or about the medallion or how he is even in another dimension etc. As he started to doze from the boredom, he noticed the twinkling lights again, he looked around and saw no one but suddenly he saw the same old man standing at the cell door and looking out to the other cell opposite Chase’s.
He stood hastily, “Ali?!”
“You seem to be in a sticky situation, Chase”
“Well, my luck was always rotten”
Alinar chuckled, “you might be wondering why I didn’t come earlier”
“I was starting to think you left me hanging in the air, why did you come now?”
“You have lots of questions but you chose that first, you must be quite angry at me” He turns to Chase, “we lot to discuss”
“Good thing I have the time, am not going anywhere, vividly”, Chase retorted
“Am sure the good Captain will send orders to bring you to the capital soon”
“The Capital? Why?”
"Yes, you might have sparked a long lost quest; a lot of people will love to have you alive”
“That’s a good thing… is it?”
“Yes, I had to give you time to think and I was preparing your escape” Chase sighed, “thank God, are we leaving now?”
“No, tomorrow the King of Sivseria will send for you and so will a more powerful as well, but danger awaits your travels, more evil has set foot in this realm and they will stop at nothing to get you… dead” Alinar explains
“What assurance do I have for survival?”
“50” Alinar said without giving off any emotion
“Nice, I have a chance to get back home alive; my mom will be worried, like drop dead worried”
“Time in this realm passes faster than yours, you must have spent 4 years here before your mom even notices that you are missing”
“How long will I stay here for?”
“It depends, the faster your quest, the better, I can influence the time stream of but realms to give you more time”
“Ok…” He sighs “… I don’t know what you want me to do or who you are”
“I am Alinar, the one who knows, I am one of the very principalities of this realm”
“So you know a lot of things?” Alinar nods “Can I ask you something?”
“If you wish”
“What is the medallion? How did it get to my realm? How come no one found it over the years?”
“The medallion is a talisman, a powerful relic called by different names, some call it the west wind talisman, and others call it the medallion of Hashrott, it can be used to travel through realms and to summon Hashrott’s legion as well as repel them”
“The god of the wind and darkness; he isn’t a good enemy.”
“So you know him…on a personal level?”
“More or less; the universe sensed danger within itself and called for you”
“How come? I don’t remember receiving any phone calls concerning a dying realm or one that is under attack”
“Why do you think you ran for the woods instead of a well crowded area to avoid the beat up?”
Now Chase froze, of course it just felt right to head for the woods, he breath out heavily as he went back to sit on the straws, “So that was you?”
“That was the universe choosing its champion”
“Well the universe did a very good job failing to pick a good contestant”
“Your Father…”
Chase interrupts with a shout, “I Am Not My Father” he pauses briefly as he calmed down, “I am just a teenage boy who is trying to graduate from school and who is stuck here on a realm he has no idea about; the universe chose wrong”
“The universe never chooses wrongly, I want you to keep in mind one thing, if you ever need my advice just call my name, Alinar, I am listening and I will answer” with that Alinar disappeared in a fading light.
With Alinar gone, Chase sighed and lay back on the straw in exhaustion. But soon sat up when two guards came in and pulled him out of the cell.
“Hey, Hey, Where are you taking me? Hey!” None of them answered as he was soon taken to a room where he had his bath; his wallet was returned to him and he was shackled.
After 30 mins of waiting in the sun, a carriage arrived and he was boarded but also guarded by two other guards and 3 other guards on horses.

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