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3d PoV

Whore woke up screaming, someone was shaking him a wake Vaxa pulled himup by his hair

"Get your babies" she shouted

Whore glanced at the wigling abomonations and shook his head

" I don't wanna" he said

"Go get them orelse"

Whore scowed at Vaxa and picked up the hollow hybrids.

"You wint get away with this" he said defiantly. "Our friends will come for us, and they will sent you too a punishemt loop."

"Ok kid. Sure" she grabed him by the cillar and brought him to a familiar room. Whore held back a fearful whimper. The hollow room.

He heated the holoows tell tail Shrek and sqezed his eyes shut. But instead of feeling the creatures slimy touges slithering under his clothes to violate and fill him with its seed, he felt it genty touch his cheek and pick up one of the babies.while the thing was distracted Whore mad a run for it. But as he tired to find an escape. He was sudly filled with sitnflung almost nausoating pain. The last hing he saw was Vaxa holding a device and then everything went black.

(Dream pov)

He was back at the house, there was Enosis, First, and Human studling a biok, he could not see what they were saying, but he could made out the enormous was saying his name. They were looking for him! But then he looked over to see am they book... uh oh. Was that... his diary? Oh no! Of Enigma read that.... we tahts a problem to anothe day. All they matters right now is that they were Looking for them. He remembered being stuck in the whights layer, Jalisco saved his then, and now Whore was going to do everything he could to help him.

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