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Enirdgv pov

Dami cam back frem checking in on Horace anf grabbed my arm

"Hey! Whadou tink yore dong? At lest tell me if hes ok"

"He's fins, jus taling to his hollow"

"Oh. ew"

"Anyways, you an I ned to hav a chat"

I rolled my eyes. "About what"

Dami pulled me behind a house and sat down.

"I can't believe you would do taht to him!" They growled

I blinked, "sorry, did I miss somtimg?"

"You know what you did!"

I frowned, "no, actually I do not"

"Horace is pregnant! Again!"

"Ohhhh, yeh, he's gonna have my babies, I renember" why was this peculiar so mad about taht

"He didnt want to have moar kids." Dami said, crossing they're armes.

"Oh I know taht stupid" I said shaking my head at them, "he dint want tehm then, but he's get over himself soon."

"No! You shoult have done taht to him in teh first place"

I shrugged, "he already wants to keep tehm, I mean, he would anyway but he was careful not to injure my babies when Eric caried him."

"That's not the point! You knew he wouldt be able to say no, and you took advantage of that!"

I rolled my eyes, "it's not liek I meant to impregnate him, it's just a litle bonus, I think your just jealous I got to do it with him"

Damis face turned bright red, "no! I'm not jealous."

I smirked, "it's ok, I can share"

Dami grabed me my my sholders an smacked me against teh wall. They opens they're mouth to say somtimg, probly yell at me some more, when Horace walked ovar.

He quietly looked at Dami and tehm me and cleared his thoqt, "Is this a bad time?"

I shoeved Dami off of me, "no ove course not doll"

"Alright, sew, I talked to my bababy, and got him to stard ruining the ymbrimes plans, so hopfuly his sibling will also want to wreck stuff"

"Huh, maybe you ain't sucha coward after all"

Hirsce frowned

"No, I'm not a coward, nor have I ever been! Do you know how much I've suffered? But I'm still here, I'm okay! more or less. I didn't survive years of self loathing, hollow attacks and now all this, just to be called a coward by my boyfriend! You're supposed to love me, not only that, you're sipposed to respect me as a another human being! I'm already carrying your bloody spawn, you better quit treating me like this!"

I blinked and gently pulled him close, softly kissing him. Or at least I troed to do taht, he got all squirmly

"Are you deaf! I asked you to love me you absolute gobl- mmph!"

He quieted down and relaxed after taht, he dint limply stabd there liek he usually does, and actulu kised back this time. it was nice exept for teh fact taht he was crying, not realy crying crying, but he had tears in hs eyes he he was wimpering. i froned.

"whats wronf" i asked, wiping th tears off his face.

he sobbed sudenly, "veryting!' he cried out, "i yelled at yeu, and now im goingt o have babies, im so scared enoch, this is all so scary"

i sighed an held him closer, letting him nuzzld int my neck. "its alright love, your terrible bastard children will tear up teh hospital,tehn well kill them, and everyting wil be ok"

Horaces bottom lip trembled "i dont wn them to be killed!" he bawled

i rolled my eyes, "stop crying" i told him, "there is absolutesly no way youre going to get to keep anoter mans children, especially a hollow, there dangerous adn disgustic and i will not stand for it"

he cried hardr, "plese no" he begged "please dont hurt them"

i sushed him, /bird i forgot how annoying he was/ "shut up horacem youll ebe over tehn soon, it not like you liked them in the first place"

h kept on shaking his head him tearfuly murmuing no, over and over agan, he reminded me of the peculiars with their second soul removed taht had gone mad.

"stop taht" i told him poking his nose

he kept on crying and begging, i couldnt realy understand what he was saying, it was mostly just teary wispering, but it made me feel kindof bad. He was annoying but aslo very sad. i had to remend myself that i shoudnt get angry at him, becuse he would be too stupid to understand why i was upset , and it woukd just scare him adn made him cry. besids, it wouldn't be difficult to make him acept that those horrible monsters would be destroyed.

"D-dami" he choked out, "a-are you going to kill my b-babies?"

they looked unconftorble, "Uhm, well, they're hollows" Dami said gently, "they eat people to become wights, do we reasly want tem to eat people adn make more wights?"


"Yes, theyre your babies i guess, but theyre dangerous, i jus dont think its safe to keep them"

Horace looked at Dami and then burst intoa fresh bout of tears, "Oh, dami plese i promise they arent dangerous, p-plese let me keep them"

Dami kissed his head, "We'll see-"

"uh, no we wont" i interupted, "thyere not stayig, and thats final"

"but, d-dami said-"

"I dont care what dami says" i snapped, "they have no say in what happends to you"

Eric cleard his thoat, "well, dont you think we should let him decide? i men, he dores know them best"

"No i dont" i replied, "hes mine and ill do what i please with him"

"Hes my slave and i say he gets to keep them"

"No, majority rules, dami and i want them dead, two to one, we win"

"well actually, Horace ants to keep them to so there two aganst two, its a tie."

i rolled my eyes. "Horace doesnt count"

"Why? hes wat this tings all about"

"Becaus ehes not stable enoigh to make an inteligent, rationla decision, just yesterday he wanted them dead but him hes desprato keep tem, he doent know wjat he wants" 

"Well, clearly he does" he replied, "and even if he dint it should be his choise."

"Well it's not his choise, it's mine, Andy that's that" I said which shut him  up, not Horace though he was still crying his eyes out, so obnoxious.


A/N serry fer the slow updates, it was final week, bet im  back now wit more chapters on teh way.

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