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Jarboy pov

I sighed wit bliss. My bed was warm and cozy, I covered with fuzy blakets, my baby Julius on my nursing on my breast, and another on its way, thos was what I was ment to do. I no longer wanrnrd to leave. I wanteb to stray here, pregnabat, with a baby on my chest.

I sighed again and rolled over on my side cradling my bsbt. Mommy came inn and i gazed at at her lovingly. She smlied at me and I felt perfectly fofilled. I felt perfect. If you asced me three weens aha what the best feeling in the world eas, I problyba would has said, making whore laugh after a bad nightmare, or my first time with Emma. Although those were still wonderful, great feelings, this one was the smbest. I kissed the top of Julia's tiny head and curled up around her.

I woke up wit a groan and was a bit stratled to see Mommy dragging Whore in. I frowned at him. He was kicking and screaming and in a particularly mortifyingly emberasing moment he bit Daddy!

"Oh god, I'm sorry, hes usualy not this rude. I'm not sure wats goten into him" I said wincing when he managed to head burt Mommy's boob.

"Whore!" I shout, "you stop that right now"

If looks could kil, I would be sex feet under. He gave me a glare about one milion more poisingous than Endoks. Which is saying a lot, how do fit tha much hate into such a tiny persin?

Whore scratched Mommy's arm and she dropped him.

He fell with a thump and scar bled to his feet Daddy caught him before he could do anything

"We thought you cloud lern a few tings forum your brother." Daddy said to Whore

"Look At how he's holding his bravura, he's feeding it, and hes not tring to throw it across the room, or weaponize it by throwunf it at our faces. Or put it on the floor and run away frin it crying. Javied is a good mom, you should be more like Jarcis"

Whore got closer to me and started talking

"This int you Jarmob" he said tearfully, "Youre a hero, you would never let people tak advantahe Of you like this. Please, I know your in their somewere"

I sighed and pat his head,

"Whore, this is me, I was never a hero, and tahts ok! This is who I am meant to be, and I think you should try to enjoy it two, when you stop triune to strugle youll see that this is where we belong, and it's gret, I know your scared right know, I undersnd, but I know you'll be exited to breed in no time." I smiled at him, but through the tears in his eyes he still looked disgusted with me. I wasnt expecting him ti listen right now, Burt mommy and daddy will make him understand. Do I'm not worried about him.

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