The Rebecca

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"I think she's my sister." he said, still looking at her. "What? I'm so confused, I thought you didn't have any other siblings besides Gemma!" I said. Denisse came over and sat on me, and laughed. "Well, I never told you that my dad and mum split up when I was young, and we had no idea where my dad went. but, we soon found out that he's living here, and I have a 'sister' now. But she looks our age..." he explained. I nodded and looked at the girl once more. How could she be his sister? She had blonde hair,and blue eys! Harry has brown hair and green eyes! Maybe different mothers, I don't know...

I got Denisse off of me and went to Harry. "Are you sure that you think that this is your sister?" I asked him. "yes, I know." He replied, getting up. "Are you going to talk to her?" I asked. "Should I?" He aksed, looking really nervous. "Yeah!" Denisse said out of nowhere. "I think so too." I said smiing at him. He gulped and said, "Will you come with me?" I nodded and took his other hand. We walked towards the girl, who was caught up in her magazine. "H-Hello?" Harry said, his voice shaky. I rubbed his back and tried to get him to be calm. "Hi, do I know you?" the girl said, setting her magazine down. Harry nodded his head alittle and said, "Uh, i think so... What's your name?" he asked her. "Rebecca, Rebecca Styles?" she said raising an eyebrow. I felt Harry's breath hitch. "Oh um, I'm Harry, Harry Styles." he responded.

The girl immediately shot both of her eyebrows up and said, "Wait, what?" "Your father's not Des, right?" Hary asked. "Um, yeah. He is my father, why?" she asked. "He's my father too. Listen, my mother, Anne, and Des, used to go out. My mum and Des split up before you were born, I'm guessing because Gemma and I moved out before Des got together with your mum. I've never heard of you or seen you before..." Harry said, sitting next to the girl. "this is weird." Denisse whispered into my ear. I laughed and nodded. Rebecca nodded and said, "Well, my dad has said something with the name Anne in it before. and i think he has said something about a Gemma." she said nodding. Harry smiled and said, "so, we're siblings I guess..." "Um yeah... This is.. weird." Rebecca said looking down. "Weird?" Denisse asked.

"Yeah, I mean, having some guy come up to you in park, telling you that you're his sister and everything..." Rebecca said. I nodded and looked at Denisse. She started laughing and Hary shook his head. "Are you alright with ths though?" Harry asked Rebecca. "Yeah, I'm great! This is actually really cool. I have a sibling that I never knew about!" Rebecca said laughing. I smiled and said, "So Rebecca, my name's Emily. I'm Harry's girlfriend. This is Denisse! Otherwise known as Den Den!" I said pointing to Denisse, who was smiling and waving at her like a creeper. "Denisse! Stop trying to act  like a creper to harry's sister!" I said. Rebecca laughed and turned towards Harry. "so, how are you with all of this?" she asked. "I'm fine, actually alittle dazzled, but fine. I actually love this! It's awesome!" Harry replied, while waving  his arms around like a fool. Ilaughed and took his hand. "Rebecca, would you like to stay with us?" Harry asked her.

"Um.. where are you staying?" she asked. "A hotel for tonight, we're leaving tomorrow." I replied. "Okay, sounds cool!" she replied smiling. Denisse started shouting randowm things and screamed while throwing her hands up in the air. "stop acing like a creeper!" I said as she laughed. "I'm not a creeper! I'll sleep on the couch, the Rebecca can have the bed!" Denisse said. "the Rebecca?" Harry aked. "Yeah, the Rebecca, That's going to be my nickname for Rebecca. The Rebecca." she said and Rebecca started laughing really hard. "I think I like all of you already!" she said while wiping a tear away from her eye. Wow, she must've been laughing really hard. I laughed and we all went back to the hotel.

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